Chapter VI

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Past, Present, Truth

I'm confused. How?! We tested to see if you were a werewolf, vampire or witch... and nothing." I stated matter of factly.
"I'm a Demi god. Apollo was my father, my mother was mortal. I'm also part Phoenix and siren." Landon replied.
"But weren't sirens cursed by gods?" I further questioned him, not sure if he was lying or not.

"Yes. My dad had many wives, as you may know of in books, but one goddess, Koronis, became jealous of my father's love for my mother and so she killed her and cursed me, making me part siren. My father was on the council with the other Gods and Goddesses of Olympus and proposed a suitable punishment for her acts of hate on his son and my mother. They then decided upon stripping Koronis of her immortality. She later died of natural causes or so I've been told." Landon explained carefully, not missing anything out.

"That still doesn't explain the Phoenix part?" I questioned.
"I tell you I'm a Demi god and that my father was Apollo and you ask me that?" He laughed and joked in a humorous way, smiling as he spoke.

"I'm curious?" I laughed innocently.
"When you're born a Demi god, you have a special ability which is linked to whomever is your parents. My father was the god of light and the sun etc, he was god of many things. And so, when I was born, I became a Phoenix, born out of the light, a gift from the sun itself." Landon explained his lineage further.

"And I thought my family was complicated." I laughed, remembering my father's voice in my head as he told me a story from his past as I fell asleep, aged just 5. My face fell serious as I smiled in reminiscence.

"My family has its flaws." He laughed in an attempt to lighten the sudden change in mood.
"Glad I'm not the only one." I smiled in reply, then standing up, I finally left the breakfast table and headed to class.
"I'll see you around Landon." I muttered as I walked away.

HISTORY the door read.
I opened the door to Mr Saltzman's class and entered the classroom.
"Hope, nice of you to join us." Mr Saltzman pointed out, sarcasm laced in his tone.
"Sorry Mr Saltzman, I lost track of time." I apologised for my tardiness.
"Just sit down Hope." He replied curtly. This hadn't been the first time I'd lost track of time and missed half the lesson or even the whole lesson.

I quickly sat down at the back of the class, next to the window as we learnt about the Battle of Willow Creek in Mystic Falls. I'd already heard this story a hundred times before from either my father, Damon or Mr Saltzman himself.

Damon and Elena used to come visit my Aunt Rebekkah after Stefan, Damon's brother had died. Apparently Stefan and my aunt used to be friends and so Damon wanted to return photos of Rebekkah and Stefan to her, with other trinkets Stefan has left for her. From then on, Damon became good friends with both my aunts and so did Elena. They became good friends of mine too.

"When was the Battle of Willow Creek? Mr Saltzman questioned, his voice bringing me back to reality. I knew the answer and he knew I did, so I sat back in my chair and began to doodle in my notebook.

"Anyone?" Mr Saltzman asked the class as no one would answer him. The silence became too uncomfortable. I shifted in my chair.
"1864." I replied, filling the awkward silence.
"Correct." He answered in reply. He smiled gratefully at me.

"And how many casualties?" He asked.
"346." Lizzie replied, smugly.
"There were 346 casualties unless you count the 27 civilians." I interrupted.
"Correct again Hope." Mr Saltzman praised.

I turned to see Lizzie cowering at me and so I quickly looked away, trying to hide my amusement.

The bell finally rang for class to be dismissed and so I headed out of class quickly, making sure not to bump into Lizzie on the way out. I didn't want to piss her off anymore than I had already this morning.

~ Authors notes~
Hey guys thank you so much for the amount of positive responses I've received from this book! 877 reads so far and Im only on chapter 6! Thank you so much!
Please continue to vote and comment on this book!

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