Chapter V

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Something about him.

Today, I decided that I would have breakfast outside, in my bid to further distance myself from Lizzie Saltzman.

Walking down the stairs, I entered the dining room, making sure to quickly get my food and go outside.

I found an empty table, sat down and began to eat my breakfast, which consisted of just a pain au chocolat and a bowl of fruit salad.

As I was eating my breakfast a shadow cast over me, blocking out the early morning sun. As I looked up, a voice to my surprise, spoke.

"Hope. I think we need to talk." Landon began.
Not looking up from my food, I simply replied back "I have nothing more to say to you Landon. I don't think we need to bring up the past".

Landon carries on speaking, regardless of my last statement.

"I should apologise for how I treated you when we first met. I shouldn't have brushed you off like that, especially when you tried to help me. It's just... I'm not weak Hope. I don't need saving. I've learnt to trust no one except Raphael." Landon said apologetically as he then went to sit down beside me.

As he sat down, I kept my eyes on my food, not wanting to look at him. In annoyance, Landon gently used his hand to turn my chin towards him. I still kept my eyes down.

"Hope look at me." He begged.
What had changed? Why now was he being so nice all of a sudden?
"I don't need your pity Landon. I forgive you for being so ungrateful and malicious when I first met you. I'm over it, you're obviously not." I stated curtly.

"I'm sorry Ho-" He began before I cut him off.
"Stop apologising." I laughed.
"Sorry." He scratched his head nervously.
"Again?!" I laughed and smiled at his cluelessness to the fact he kept apologising. I liked this Landon. What had changed? I didn't know, but, he definitely wasn't the Landon I knew and hated, a few years ago or a few moments ago.

"So.. are you staying here?" I gestured to the school. Lazily lifting my arm up to point.
"Uh yeh I think so. I like it here. It's different from my last school... in the best way." He answered.

"Ah okay. But why? You're not a super-" I began, curiosity laced in my tone.
"Tribrid." He said matter of factly.
"A what?" I almost choked on my drink.
"I'm a tribrid. Although not what you'd immediately expect. I'm not a vampire/ werewolf/ witch combo." He stated in a slightly bored tone. As if he'd had to state that fact over a hundred times already today.

I, Hope Mikaelson, wasn't the only tribrid out there. Landon was too.

~Authors notes~

Sorry for the wait! I've decided that I'll try to post by the latest, weekly updates.
Thank you so much for the response this book has gotten recently! 560 reads?! Thank you!

Please continue to vote and comment,leave feedback and share any thoughts on where you'd like the next chapter to head and I'll try to incorporate it in the story!

Also, what do you want Landon to be a tribrid of? I'll be considering everyone's ideas!

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