Chapter I

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Beads of sweat dropped from my brow and ran onto my face as I suddenly sprang up from my bed, awakening from another nightmare.

Panting, I took deep breaths to reduce my thumping heart from lurching out of my chest. Deep breaths Hope I heard my councillor's voice ring in my head.

I often had panic attacks when I had nightmares concerning my family. Always thinking; What if I let them down? What if I can't protect them? And I always woke up to my aunt Freya ringing me to tell me that they were safe, my family was safe.

Aunt Freya always sensed when I had a dream. Call it intuition or just the strong connection we shared through blood, but she always knew.

"Hope!" Mr. Saltzman shouted up to me from the bottom of the stairs. I quickly changed into some jeans and a tank top, emerging out of my room.

"Yes, what?!" I cried, rolling my eyes after he had called my name multiple times.
"Did you forget? It's training now, C'mon." He looked concerned. I never forgot training.
"Sorry I'm just a little out of it today. I must've overslept" I brushed his concern off. He didn't know about the nightmares and I wanted to keep it that way.

Before leaving my room, I briefly checked my phone and as usual the text read:
"Another nightmare? Hope you're okay"- Aunt Freya.

Grabbing my phone, I quickly text back that I was fine. I ran down the stairs to find a frustrated Mr. Saltzman, tapping his foot impatiently. When he heard my footsteps bellow he looked up and began scanning my face for any signs of distress or sadness. After checking I was okay, he turned back down the corridor and began to walk back the way he came, expecting me to follow suit.

We walked for ten minutes until we had reached the thick evergreen forest which was situated in the Salvatore School grounds. I had my training gear on, ready to begin our daily routine.

He would throw a punch, I would block it. I would spin my leg up to catch him by surprise but he'd catch it. The routine was getting tiresome and boring. We knew each other's strengths and weaknesses from him training me for years.

"We need to change this up. I'm getting bored and I can tell that so are you." I panted.
"I'm a human so there's only so much I can teach you. You need to train with werewolves, vampires and witches. I can't teach you how to be agile like a vampire or strong as a werewolf and I know Josie and Lizzy wouldn't mind the extra help with their defence magic." Mr. Saltzman stated.

"I'll give it a thought. But as for Josie and Lizzy I'm too busy." I answered back before ending the session and walking away.
"Thanks though Mr. Saltzman!" I shouted in the distance as I began walking away.

As I walked up to the back entrance of school, I opened the mahogany doors and was welcomed into the building by an array of loud conversations unfolding in front of me. I went to the nearest quiet place I could find; the library. I almost ran into the room when I reached the large doors which had a brass label that read "LIBRARY".

As I opened the door, the noise from the hall infiltrated into the library, causing everyone to look up. Feeling embarrassed, I smiled lightly and shut the door silently, with my back pressed firmly against it as I still stood smiling feverishly.

I began to walk over to the small, secluded area of the room where my Aunt Rebekah's friend, Stefan Salvatore used to write his journals.

When I first found the little cubby hole, I instantly fell in love with it. I understood why Stefan wrote there. The light hit the desk through the tall, glass windows, streaming in as it shone on your face, warming your cheeks up as a blush would. Even at night the view was stunning. The desk faced the windows so you could watch the sun throughout the day, and the stars throughout the night.

I often came to this spot to write in my own journal, always writing to my father Klaus. He died protecting me when I was younger, and so I've always felt that I can keep him informed on my day to day life by writing to him, as if he were still here. I used my journal entries to write and talk to him, which comforted me and soothed the cracks in my heart that he left when he died.

I began writing my journal entry, informing my dad of yesterday's mishaps, writing as if he was sat right beside me and he'd asked about my day like every other parent did.

Dear Dad,
Yesterday night I had my reoccurring nightmare of your death. I miss you. Aunt Freya knows whenever I have a nightmare and has promised to help me stop them when I come back to New Orleans in Summer which although is months away. Had training with Mr. Saltzman today (you know him as Alaric, Stefan and Damon Salvatore's friend). He told me that I should start looking for more sparring partners that I can train with. I wish you were here. Then I could just spar with you!
~Yours always, Hope.

I snapped my journal shut, not noticing that it was almost lunchtime. I silently left the library, careful to not make some noise and accidentally annoy the librarian.

I got into the corridor and it was empty. Where is everybody? I looked at my watch in search for the answer to my unanswered question. Oh shit it's nearly the end of lunch!

I arrived at the kitchen quickly in hope of their still being food served. I sighed in relief when I saw that the noodles were still out. Grabbing a pot of noodles, I migrated over to an isolated table in the corner outside on the patio.

I began to tuck into my noodles when a shadow fell over me, blocking the sunlight from streaming onto my table.

"Hope?" The mysterious dark shadow questioned. I looked up, slowly shifting my gaze towards the face of the voice. I gasped in shock...

-Authors Notes-
Chapter I is finally done! It's New Years Eve tomorrow... what are everyone doing to celebrate???
Think that means my next chapter will probably be posted in the new year!

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