"Please Mommy please please please. Te lo ruego."{Spanish= I am begging you} I begged as if my life depended on going to this party.

"No." She says again. "But whyyyyyyy?" I whine while stomping my feet on the ground. A very bad and embarrassing habit I have that just can't seem to go away.

"Porque no hay forma De que te permita ir a una fiesta en una noche escolar." {Spanish= Because there is no way I'm allowing you to go to a party on a school night} My mum says.

"But Mom!!" I stomp my feet harder on the ground while whining.

"I'm sorry Princessa {Spanish= Princess} but no." My mom says again.

"But Mamá {Spanish= Mom} I already told my friends that for sure you'll agree." If I say I'm not coming for it again after I said and promised I will come, its not gonna look good for me.

"I'm sorry but no."

"Please mum. Pleaaaaassseeee." I whine again.

"What about your academics. I know how this goes. You'll keep on begging me to allow you to go and academic level will drop." She says without looking at me as she focuses her attention on the cutting of the carrots.

"No it won't Mamá, I promise."

Adela, my five year old sister walks in dressed in a pink short sleeves top with a black tutu skirt along with black hosts and with her Anna doll she carries around like its an Oscar trophy. "No mummy, don't allow her to go, pleassssseeee."

"You better shut that little five year old mouth of yours before I smack some sense into it." I glare at her which result to my mum's shouting.

"Gabriella!" My mum shouts at me.

"Oh, sorry." I say apologetically to her.

"Jeez Gaby. I'm sorry I don't want my sister to go to a party because I just want to spend sometime with my big sister." She says while pouting and folding her hands.

I squat down to meet her eyes. "Oh but Addy you know I will always spend time with you, but just not tonight alright."

"But you promised me that we will do a tea party." She says disappointed.

"Ahh yes I did." I think of an idea. "Hmm, why don't we shift the Tea Party to Saturday? Think of it, we'll do Tea Party in the morning, then do all other fun stuffs throughout the day and at night, we'll do a sleep over in your room. Agreed?"

Her moppy look turns into an excited one as she squeaks in excitement "Yes!!!!!!!!!." She hugs me tight. "Gaby!! you are the best sister in the world!!!!." She squeaks.

I hug her back. "Awwww, thanks Addy. Now c'mon, go to your room and start preparing for our Girls Day."

She nods her head rapidly "OK Gaby, bye mommy!" She waves her hand at Mum and hops to her room upstairs.

"Fine you can go" She says as she raises her hands in surrender.

"Oh Madame, please, don't bother, I'll do it." The maid, Edna comes in walking to my mum. She's not just a maid, she's my friend. Ever since she started working for us as we came back to America to live, yes, we were not living in America, but that's a story for another day. Anyways, she became like family. She doesn't like when my mum does any work. She expects my mum to just stay one place and not work. Which will never happen, cuz' my mama is someone who doesn't like staying in a place. Stubbornness is her middle name.

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