
616 18 13

(1 month later)

To many, birthdays hold significant meaning in their life. It celebrates a day of creation, the day the earth was gifted with yet another presence to roam it from start to finish. A blessed day it was. Marceline never saw her birthday as such a critical event besides a excuse to drop all of her worries and have a fun time (not like she didn't do that already), only difference was her addition in age. Marceline was now 18, which wasn't really settling well in her mind. Leagally able to vote, purchase and consume alcohol, get married, and anything else she desired. Her age would be put to use today when buying alcohol, not so much for marrying and voting. She couldn't help but grow flustered at the thought of marrying Bonnibel. Bonnibel was her everything, even with her sudden shift in mood. It was noticeable after the party that she began acting... different, even after all the times Bonnie reassured that she was ok. She was quiet, jittery, quite anxious at every physical touch or contact, even though that didn't apply at the moment. Bonnie nestled neatly on her side, tucked under her arm exhaling fast paced breaths on her neck. It grew noticeable that those weren't breaths of sleep when she began to whimper, holding on to her waist a bit tighter than before, not to mention her sudden increase in boy temperature. When she deemed the unusual actions as a nightmare, she took it upon herself to wake her. A few nimble shakes and questioning name calling, Bonnibel shot up from the comfort of the bed. Her skin was slick with sweat, her breathing rough and uneven with hands that gripped the surrouding sheets. Marcy became acquainted with her comforting side and tended to her lover, placing a hand on her shoulder and eyeing her from the slits of her eyes. "It's ok Bonnie, your fine, just a nightmare." Upon eye contact, her shoulders slouched and breathing returned to normal, just like always. For the past month now, Bonnibel went through continous night terrors that never seemed to end, waking her in times of day and night. Nothing was spoken about the reasoning besides the mention of her parents, and Marceline knew better not to trudge in those waters. Bonnie grew a apologetic stare, submerging her fingers in a lock of her hair. "Shit, I did it again." Marceline nodded softly. "Its fine Bonnie, you can't control them." Her hand didn't cease the comforting rub on her shoulder. A remorseful look smothered her face. "It's not ok, Marcy. Today's your birthday, we should be worrying about you rather than tending to me." Marcy liked Bonnibel alot but sure didn't like the way she was talking. She held her cheek, something that took sometime for Bonnibel to get used to. No protest were heard when she held it there. "Yeah its my birthday but your still my priority. I want to make sure you'll be ok too." Bonnie smiled warmly, taking the hand on her cheek and kissing it faintly, then moving to her face and kissing her there, her cheeks going flushed. She was very much still in love with Bonnibel with the effect she had on her, and Bonnie very well knew of that. "Ok miss pink cheeks, what're the plans for today?" She scoffed at her comment, pulling the pack of cigarettes from the dresser and plucking the last one from the container. "I was thinking a little get together and a trip around town. Me, you, Finn, Jake, and Flambo. I just wanna have some fun with my friends today, that's all." Bonnie raised a brow. "So their your friends now?" She smirked idly, recalling all the moments Marceline picked upon her friends jokingly. She grumbled, inhaling from the cigarette to contain the smile that spread on her face. "Yeah their the biggest dweebs I know but they grew on me. It would just be cool to have them around." Bonnibel let lose a chuckle, mood going damp when thinking about the presence of Hudson. He had been around here and there from the past month but mostly just gone. "Is your.. father going to be here today?" Her question took a toll on her emotion but didn't falter her engagement. "Probably not, his work calander is booked for this whole week. Just more time to have the house to ourselves." Her voice wavered a bit but recovered after the inhale of the cigarette. Bonnie squeezed her hand softly, shuffling from the warmth of the duvet and past Marcy to the shaggy carpet beneath them. "We'll birthday girl, I want you dressed and ready by the time I step foot out that bathroom." Said Bonnibel, fetching a outfit from the barrier of the dresser and moving towards the bathroom, Marceline immediately disobeying her order as soon as the door clicked shut, falling back on the bed with the cigarette firm on her lips. 18 was quite a big number.

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