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Gripping the sides of the seat till her knuckles were white and numb, Bonnibel let loose the rematants of last night that lingered in the pit of her stomach, the substance sloppily depositing in the bowl of the toilet. She sputtered up the last bit of vomit she had left, hurling a few wads of spit in afterwards and releasing her hunched position, residing to the support of the wall. Nothing was (or had been) going her way for the past week. Yes, she was able to conceal her weakness from Marceline but the same didn't go for her mental health. Non stop nightmares, continuous vomiting, and even cold sweats. He had corrupted her to the best of his ability, and for that, she envied him. She couldn't function anymore, be the same girl that she used to be, she was ruined. The unbearable feeling sinking down on her shoulders, Bonnibel shriveled to the wall, quivering as salty tears creeped down her rosy cheeks. Her hands held a place of comfort over her face, somewhere she could tunnel into and forget what lingers beyond. The only con about her hand to face action was the fact that her cupped barrier only made her crys echo, which wasn't much good when your girlfriend was right outside the door in the bedroom. All it took was a faint tug of the handle and Marceline was in, vision greeted by the dull sight. Her eyes became dialated, stance grew weary, palms grew sweaty. One look at the vomit filled toilet and the sobbing girl was all it took for Marceline to retreat to her girlfriend, encaputring her in her arms. Bonnibel didn't withhold from her support, instead falling into the girl as she sobbed onto her shoulder. Marceline could only ponder in bewilderment while stroking soothing patterns on her lovers back and whispering words of reassurance. It was a stunned reaction, but it was helpful nonetheless. "Bonnie.." She whispered gently, the girl consulving in her arms. Under her better judgment, Marceline pulled back, holding her by the shoulders and staring at her girlfriend through her puffy red eyes as she shameless wiped away at her tears with lost dignity. "Bonnie, you have to tell me what's wrong." Bonnibel only sobbed harder, loud enough to echo the empty halls of the house. Thank god for the absence to her father. "Bonnibel please, you have to tell me so I can help you out." She didn't fight the urge to take her face in her hands, stroking away the tears softly. "I-I'm just in a bad place right now Marcy. Everytime I find myself somewhere good w-where im happy, it all comes crashing down the minute I adjust to being around or in a place I feel welcome. I feel out of my skin." Marceline didn't know how to interpret her cry for help. With no other knowledge to the situation, it seemed guidance was what she needed, and Marceline was just that. "I know where your coming from. I was lost in that same place just last year with no direction, but it'll be different this time because I'll be here to guide you out. Im going to be here for you Bonnie, always." Bonnibel smudged away the droplets that leaked from her vision and fondled Marceline's hand within hers. Marcy didn't need a response from her to know she understood. She leaned in faintly, parting the hair that covered her forehead and planting a soft kiss on the smooth skin. "We're gonna get through this together. I love you." Bonnibel used everything in her to muster up a sad smile, trying her best to deliver her appreciation. "I love you too."

Bonnibel wasn't lying when she said Marceline was her angel from heaven. Though she did things that made her question her motives, rebuked the holy religion amongst the school, and went against authority, she still fit all the requirements. A angel is sent to provide your needs and supplement guidance in your life, and that's exactly what Marceline did. After her bathroom break down, Marceline took courtesy of uplifting her girlfriend both mentally and physically, giving her encouraging comments and helping her into the warm tub water she had ran for her. There in the water she submerged, soaking in the skin boiling liquid, allowing it to soothe the aches compressed along her body. Marcy perched near the side of the tub, gently cleaning her prior to lathering her hair with the shampoo while she gazed off into a void. She did appreciate the act of kindness from Marceline, but couldn't help but feel indignity in her nudeness. She felt unsettled knowing that she had been contaminated and tainted by the touch of someone else without the knowledge of Marceline. Rather than beat herself up about it, she distracted herself with conversation. "Marcy?" She whispered, her reply coming as a hum. "How did you know you loved me?" Bonnie could feel the fingers running through her hair tense, Marceline regaining her composure after a stiff minute of silence. "Well, um, it was obvious things that I didn't want to accept because I never loved anyone before. I learned best from my father that love isn't real and gets you no where." Despite her gloomy mood, Bonnibel had enough sense in her to speak on the subject. "He's a bigot." Marcy chuckled gradually, grazing her fingers through the dull brown hair as the other released the water from the cup, removing the shampoo from her hair. "That's one of the ways I learned I love you, you stand up for me and what you believe in. I never had someone support me unconditionally. My father was never around enough to listen and Ash just disregarded everything I stood for." She almost broke into a flinch at the mention of his name, but for the better good, held assurance for Marceline. Her shoulders sagged when she continued. "I knew I loved you from the way I thought about you. You'd be on my mind from when I woke up to when I went to sleep, and for the longest I hated it. I was upset for the way I was falling for you." She washed out the last of the shampoo, leaving her a damp confused mess. Bonnibel turned away from the aim of the faucet, propping her arms on the counter of the tub and facing Marceline, who grew fazed by her sudden shift. "You were mad at your emotions?" Marceline nodded. "I was upset that I was going against my rule to stay clear of feelings. I've gotten caught up with people I loved to many times, but in the end, always leave me behind. I was so afraid that I would fall head over heels for you and the feelings wouldn't be returned, just like all the other times.." Bonnibel mentally cursed herself for turning the mood gloomy, but rejoiced when she earned a smile. "Im very lucky to have found you." Bonnie smiled back gingerly, no emotions overwhelming her chest when Marceline leaned forward, taking her face in her hands and planting a soft peck to her lips, the separation sound of their contact mimicking them from the echo of the bathroom. "Do you want me to help you finish up in here?" Bonnibel shook her head adoringly, returning to the center of the warm water. "Im fine." Marcy took the answer as her que, and stood to her feet, towering over the girl in the tub. "Im gonna go set up something to eat for tonight, you get dried up and dressed." She gave her one last departing look before exiting the bathroom. Oh how lucky she was to have her, how lucky she was indeed.

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