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It fulfilled Marceline knowing that any contact shared betwen the duo meant something. For times at most, it would internally peg her to her core when contact would be shared with Bonnibel not knowing the emotion behind it. Did friends hold eachother in the dark of night? Did friends go through hard trials of time together? Did friends spend so much time together it was unhealthy? Well yes, but all of it came new when confessions were made the previous night. She was happy to know now the contact shared meant more than it seemed. Bonnibel rested on her lap, facing her with a cigarette in hand. Boy was that a sight. Their eyes held contact that would shatter her stance in a second (good thing she was sitting), her lips hid behind the fogged clots of smoke that emerged from the stick, and her hair was tustled to the slightest due to the well earned night of sleep. Marcy had never felt so lucky. Bonnie inhaled one last hit, holding the smoke captive in the barricade of her mouth and releasing in from her nostrils, putting out the cig in the ash tray afterwards and facing the girl below her. "Getting cold feet bout' our date?" Marceline questioned. It had been very noticeable Bonnibel had lacked her speaking words from the moment they awoke, which was quite unusual for her. Besides that, Bonnibel denied it. "It's not that." She paused, evaluating her words before speaking them again. "Of course I am flattered about you asking me on a date and even returning the feelings that I had but what about your friends?" "What about them?" Marceline held no knowledge to her words. "Keila, Guy, and Bongo only come out here for a week every summer." Marceline chimed on with and encouraging hum. "So when you take time to go on a date with me, your spending time away from people that you rarely see compared to me." Though Bonnibel was speaking nothing but facts, Marceline couldn't help but throw her head back and groan. Her friends were everything to her before Bonnibel, and it still fits the same for them, so she should comply with what they even came down here for to hangout. Rather than proceed to hand Bonnibel an agreeing statement, she waited for her to break down what she had in mind. "Maybe instead of spending the day away from your friends for a date, we all go somewhere together. I would hate for your friend time to be put on hold, especially on my part." Marceline remained quiet, Bonnibel planting her hands on her cheeks and showing off those puppy eyes of hers. Of course she would pull such thing, but the look on her face made up for it. "Fine." Spoke Marceline, Bonnibel leaning down and plating a soft kiss on her lips. That was something she could grown fond of. "I promise on our own perosnal time we'll get to do something." Marceline smiled and nodded, giving Bonnibel a kiss of her own. She was addicting. "Since I can't take you on a super cool date, what do you have in mind?" Bonnibel scrunched up her face in thought, something that Marceline awed about from behind her smile. "I think I recall spotting an arcade on the way back from the skating rink." Marceline shrugged her shoulders, "sounds like a plan to me." She mumbled. Bonnibel thanked her with one last peck to the forehead, ridding herself from Marceline's lap and moving to the door. "You coming slow poke?" "Yeah." She spoke warmly, moving from the bed and next to Bonnie, the duo moving down the steps to the base of the living room. The sight unraveled before them. Bongo slumped infront of the television with sleep, a contorler clear in his grasp and the screen wiped of the lively game graphics while Guy snored lazily on one of the many couches, Keila snapping pics of them from afar with laughs. Her head percked up from the hold of her phone and to the base of the stairs, the skinny black box fitted into the tattered pocket of her jeans. "Glad to see your up fellas, it got kinda boring putting Guy's finger up his nose and taking pictures." Marcy snorted. "Typical. Well, I say you get dressed so we can head out to the arcade in a bit." Keila arched a brow. "What about breakfast?" "The arcade sells pizza." A groan from Keila sprouted, causing Guy and Bongo to wake up to the conflict. Marcy only shrugged. "Life of a rockstar baby. Lets get a move on up, up, up!" She ushered Guy and Bongo from their resting places. Guy mumbled a few incoherent words alongside Bongo before removing himself from the sofa and heading off towards the direction of the bathroom, while Guy and Keila departed to separate guest rooms, leaving Bonnie and Marcy desolate awaiting at the bottom of the stairs. They resided to small talk while the group finished up on preparing. By the time they were set, the group was already out the door and into the van.

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