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There was no reason for them to be up at such ungodly hours of the morning, but they were. Sleep was no where present in the room, the early morning hours were groggy, and calm grazed their minds every second that passed. They had done everything in the book besides rest. Marceline had styled Bonnibel's hair out of bordem, they had talked about events in their past or anything that came to mind, they even bickered back and forth on stupid debates and opinions. Though Bonnibel was thankful for the endless loop of the mellow haze, bordem danced around inside her dome like a tennis ball ricocheting off desolate walls. "Marcy." She mumered. Marceline removed her eyes from the ceiling in which she stared and towards her friend. She continued her sentence with "Im bored." So was Marcy. But their bordem wouldn't go on to long when Marceline recalled a special something she had earned. "I got you a gift." That instantly caught her attention, her gaze soon following. She sat up on her bed. "Marceline I told you not to." And it was true she did. Bonnibel didn't like birthday gifts, or her birthday in general. That day was ruined by the death of her parents. Such a fatal day. Marcy had acknowledged her words upon the first week which would follow up to her birthday, but she couldn't stop herself. "I know that." She cooed, Bonnibel stalking from her bed and setting herself at Marcy's. She sat up straight, bumping shoulders with her companion. "I know your birthday is something that you dont want to congnize but I thought this would help." Bonnie watched as Marceline ducked down to her pillow case and began fiddling with the insides, fishing up something in the palm of her hand. Its pink casing held frame around the screen and pressable buttons, taking the spotlight away from the stringy white earbuds that attached. A mp4. Bonnibel oogled at the device in her hands. Marceline leered her way. "I sensed that this day can be hard for you... Usually when im down in the dumps, music cheers me up. It cancels out everything around me, like just leaving me and mind alone. I wasn't sure if you would like it but I got it anyway just incase you wanna take it apart and build it up again with you-" Marcy was short of finishing her sentence, soft arms clasped around her form. She didnt take to long to react, a chuckle easing from her lips and her hands placing a dainty hug on her waist. Bonnie took a bit to pull back, but once doing so she retrieved the gadget. She was at a loss for words. "No one has ever done something, or considered my feelimgs enough to do me something like this.... Thank you Marcy." Marceline could only watch her friend awe at the device, turning it on and flipping through the selective tracks and music. "How did you even get this?" It was quite the mystery. All electronics were banned at Saint Annes but Marceline had her ways. "I did a girls homework for a week, she gave it to me afterwards. If you weren't tutoring me so well I dont think I could've done it." Just another thing to praise Marcy for. As guilty as she felt accepting the gift, she couldn't help but place one of earbuds in her ears after handing off one to Marcy. In the silence, they melted into well rounded dulcet tunes. It felt nice to have something in your ear other than a teacher or counselor shoving commands down your throat. Marceline was right when she spoke about zoning out, Bonnibel doing so. It helped plenty on taking her mind off the subject in which it settled. Her sight fell over Marceline with a smile so genuine it could discard her interior. Bonnie stood, taking her half of the long string earbuds with her. "Dance with me?" She held out her hand. Marcy was late to react but in the end, took her hand in hers and stood. The song was slow, steady at pace, good enough for Marceline to not make a fool of herself. She was never one to dance, but with Bonnibel ahead of her, she fell into line. "Like this." Bonnibel whispered nimbly, guiding her hands to glut and doze at her waist, her hands hooking around her neck. Slowly, not to pell-mell, just slow. They danced in a sedated manner to music that trickled through their ears like the streams of the creek. Under the morning light, they danced. Under the heavy air, they dawdled unhurriedly. Under the elapsed emotions of that day, the danced with leaden.

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