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What better way to end your sorrows than celebrate the last day before you father returns home, and send your friends off with a party? There was nothing better than that at the moment. It was simple, Ash's words stuck to her simply because most of what he spoke was true, so to rid herself of gloom and the soon departure of her friends, she pratically invited the whole neighborhood to thrash and spew devilry under the refuge of her household. The music blared loudly from the speakers, accompanying the disperse of party lights that lit the whole house red. Sober and sad Marceline probably wouldn't of took a liking the mounds of dancing bodys around her, teens situated on her couches filling the room with joint smoke, thin white lines that scuttled up noses, and even the choice of alchol, but it was all fine. The pill she took had subdued worries to the squint of her fingers, bought and purchased from a kid known for selling them. It pumped her veins full of the adrenalin she lacked, gave her a numb (but happy) feeling. She danced away in the crowd , slinging her head back in relif and moving herself freely. Just a second ago she was dancing with Keila, enjoying her presence, but from what she could see, Keila had slipped away in the crowd. Probably to makeout with a boy. She snorted. Not only that, but she had lost track of Bonnie, who she hadn't seen since the party began. Even under the influence, Marceline found it best fit to go hunt for her girlfriend. She eased her dance down and maneuvered through the other dancers, giggles rising from the back of her throat every stumble she took. She pushed past a boy, staring at the reveal of a lit joint hanging loosely from his lips when he turned to complain. She plucked it from his mouth, putting it in her's and taking a drag for the keep, the boy growing defensive with backlash. "My party dipshit." She flicked hin off with a smile, moving out of the crowd with his joint firm on her lips. "Bonnie!" She called out, almost no use under the loud spurs of chatter and thump of music. She searched the kitchen, Bonnibel coming up short, though she did find Guy and Bongo along the way with Keila following afterwards, lips tangled with a dirty blonde boy. Typical. She searched bedrooms, bathrooms, the dance floor, and anywhere possible inside the interior of the home. Bonnie was no where to be found, leaving her to be only one place. She staggered past the party goers and soon out in the backyard, the yellow patio lights and dark sky greeting her, as well as a figure situated square in a crooked lawn chair. She could recognize her lover from a mile away. She crept up to the chair next to it, taking a hit from the spliff and crashing down lazily on the chair. Bonnie looked up from the contents of her cup, studying her girlfriend with a straight face. "Enjoying the party princess?" Marceline mummered, taking relif in the drug once more. "If you call sitting outback in an empty backyard drinking water fun, then sure, im having a blast." Marceline hummed in her seat, sitting upwards and facing Bonnie. "Not even a little tipsy?" Bonnie shook her head. "Someone's gotta be sober enough to pitch in on the mess and get you to bed." Marceline withheld the chance to question her maturity level and in her drugged state, threw back a yawn of boring. "What's the fun in that though? Party's are held to let l loose, forget your worries and shit." "I know but I can't unwind knowing there'd be consequences in doing so, especially if HE shows up. There's no telling what he would do to us knowing that we were shitfaced." Marcy took the final drag, flicking the remaning bud into the grass and giving Bonnibel her fullest attention. "You shouldn't have to worry about him coming around to spoil the fun. The whole summer was supposed to be me n' you, the rockstar and nerd fuckin' up the town everywhere they go. I didn't plan for us to start dating but that's cool too though, cause now I can do this." She cut her sentence short, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek, Bonnie smiling with giddy. "We'll be able to do alot of that and partying when we get out of this shithole. No guardians or school to hold us back. But as of now, I'll continue to stay buzzkill for both of us." Marcy giggled highly. "You never told me princess, what's your dream place to go?" It was true she hadn't. All the millions on conversations they had, never once did she mention where she wanted to run off to. Weird, being that Bonnie was all on the idea of fleeing the torn up town. "New York." She chimed, lips pulled upwards with pride. Marcy gave an arched brow and a fake applaud. "It has some of my top intrest in universities, and is so enticing with its bright people and culture." Marcy eased back in her chair. "I'd say im more of a  Los Angeles girl with all the singers and legends that stay there. Nice weather, famous people, cool area's-" "Forest fires everyday." She gave Bonnibel a playful shove, knowing that part of it was true. "Oh shut up." She laughed alloud. The moment simmered down to a calm on the patio of her backyard, giving her the moment to fully examine the girl of her dreams. The colors fazing in and out of her vision wore off a bit back, leaving the sight clear in her view. Her glasses reflected under the light of the moon, shading her eyes a brighter tone and glistening against her lips, her hair moving slightly with the breeze. Marceline couldn't help but lean forward, softly taking her lips in hers. Bonnie responded rather quickly, pulling her hands from her side and holding Marceline's cheek as their lips molded together as one. She tasted of bubblegum, Marceline quite the opposite. The passionate makeout continued for more minutes than she could count, the only reason for pulling back being to the desperate need of air. Marceline was sure if breathing wasn't needed, she could makeout with Bonnibel forever. They both took in small breaths of air, eye contact not breaking from within one another. Her stare was nearly unbreakable, hands rested in a hold as smooth rubbing patterns knotted over her knuckles tenderly. "Promise me we'll party hard together in whatever place we live in?" "Only in exchange for drunk cuddles to sleep afterwards." "Deal."

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