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3 Months later

With time came growth, whether it was friendship, evolution, or mentality. Plenty of that came for Bonnibel with the time she attended saint Annes. She had put aside her differences with Marceline and grew a stable friendship, changed in evolution towards her physical features, and has surpassed her old state of thinking with a new one. The year at Saint Annes had been quite a wild one. Who knew she would fight, drink and smoke, and leave the property at the school? And now there she was, drowsily packing away her belongings in the duffle bag in which she came with. Bonnibel was eternally drained of all her energy the previous night. All the excitement in.  her body built up, leaving it very hard to find rest. Today was the last day at school. Summer would be directly in their grasp at the crack of dawn. It wasn't that way for many though. Plenty of girls would spend their free time away from school undergoing continuous conversion at a summer camp for such. Bonnibel felt sadness on her behalf, knowing that's what her uncle wished for her to experience. The holy man had visited a week prior to discuss the situation. She could recall his words. "I only want what's best for you, niece. Even though this year came with plenty of progress, your just one more push closer to being saved. This camp will cleanse and rid you of your sins." His words sent anger to her mind process. It was quite amusing to know that she was actaully still the same as she entered the school. He would probably freak. Bonnibel paid no mind to herself, continuing to shovel in the items to her bag. Due to it being the last day of school, the district had ruled a free day, which was far needed on her behalf. It gave her time to think more thoroughly of the summer plan they had built up for months. How her summer would begin. The forged summer program packets was the first step. Bonnibel would retrieve the packet from Marcy (who worked on printing them both a packet in the library) and give it off to her uncle when she would be taken home. The school obligates that the parent or guardian retrieve their children from school on the last day and hold them in the house for one day for preparation before bringing them back for the start of camp. It was a quick process in her mind. From there, she would give the man the fake packet for him to sign, just for him to drop her off at the head of Saint Annes the following day. The fake packet is what prevented them from displaying a real one and having it returned to the school, where they would automatically be booked for attendance and role call. It was a good thing they made fake ones, otherwise the school would grow knowledge to their absence. Afterwards, she would meet with Marceline in the crowd of girls actually attending the summer camp spread outside the school,  and depart from the school to wherever Marceline had in mind to stay. The good thing about the summer camp was it wasn't held at the school itself. All girls placed there would be accounted for and sent off on a bus, to another location more fit for the program. It was good on their part due to the lack of visits from the distance, so no worries of surprise pop ups. Everything they had planned was laid out before them and Bonnibel couldn't wait to waste away her summer with Marceline, and hopefully past friends. Speaking of the devil herself, Marceline made herself aware once stepping into the room. "You packed for me?" Her eyes fell upon her side of the room, all items squared away within her brick like suitcase. "Yeah." Bonnie chimed. "It's the least I could do while you were forging the packets up." Marceline gleamed with ease, placing her hand upon her friends shoulder before handing her a packet. "Hide this at the bottom of your duffle bag." She gestured to the packet in hand, Bonnibel doing as told. Marceline pulled back the flap of her suitecase and settled hers between the open space of her clothes. With the room being purged of any items, Bonnibel could practically look back on past memories with her friend. Staying up late night conversing, playful wrestling matches held on the floor which led someone actually getting hurt following with quick witted apologies, studying with Marceline up until the final test of the school year, and returning to their shared room after days spent floating lazily around the creek. Such good times. It seemed like Marceline could feel the nostalgia that oozed from her friends form, standing to her feet and catching her attention. "Thinking bout' stuff?" She questioned, head tilted at an angle. Bonnie nodded. "Some nice things if I do say so myself." "Well how about we make one last one? For old times sake?" Bonnibel questioned the smirk on Marceline's face, setting down her duffle bag on her mattress. "What are you trying to suggest Abadeer?" Marceline only grinned harder. "One last swim in the creek? For old times sake." It wasn't even hard for Bonnibel to ponder and answer. What better did they have to do? She replied with a striking thumb, Marceline taking lead and moving past her out the room.

"I swear im gonna give you a real birthday once we get out of here, one that's gonna get your tits in a twist." "Marceline, my birthday was almost three months ago." "Yeah but that wont stop me from giving you a good time, you deserve one." Marceline had yet again brought up the topic of her far past birthday. The way she put it into words, Bonnibel felt as if this summer would be her greatest. She floated atop of the murky water with tales of the fun that would be presented ahead of them, and the people she wanted her to meet. Her small garage band was one of the first, and Bonnibel couldn't hold her amusement. The band would give them most of the entertainment held through the summer, each member of it. Keila, a close friend of Marcy's living quite a few towns over, who drove down every summer to hangout and thrash with the band. She played the bass also. Guy, a very goofy jokster type who played the keyboard. And Bongo, a very laid back fun guy who played the drummer role in the group. Bonnibel could only awe at how Marceline spoke of her friends. She hoped she would speak of her as such. "I swear Bonnibel, you're gonna have a blast this summer." Marceline paddled herself in the water. Bonnibel couldn't help but get a bit curious. "Why are you so set on giving me a fun summer." She questioned innocently, Marceline propelling from a floating position and straying her legs and arms to keep her on the surface. "I mean, I dunno. Your one of the closest friends I ever had and you stuck by me through alot. I think you only deserve to be treated to 3 months of gratification." Bonnibel beamed at her comment.  "God you're so lame." She splashed her friend with water, Marceline laughing and splashing back. "As if princess." She splashed back harder, coating her friend from head to waist with the liquid. They splashed back and forth for what seemed like eternity, leaving them weary as they crawled back to the shore for rest. Bonnibel panted, moving a wet chunk of her hair from her face and laying on her side, facing Marceline. Marcy stared back. "You might just be the bestest friend I ever had."

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