chapter ten // sticks and stones.

Start from the beginning

"Sounds perfect, let me just - " I jump up, getting a burst of energy, when I'm interrupted by my cellphone ringing.


I quickly rush over and peer at who's calling me this early?

Norah Hanson Calling...

"Norah Hanson is calling me?" I mutter, "I've talked to her, like, once in my Civics class?" I look to Tea with confusion. She just shrugs her shoulders and looks just as curious as me, "Hello?" I answer it.

Immediately I'm met with a shrill voice full of excitement,

"Oh. My. GOD, Olivia!" I have to pull the phone away from my ear to avoid hearing-loss, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE DATING HARRY STYLES FROM ONE DIRECTION?!" She squeals, reminding me as to why I've only talked to her a few times.

"What in the world are you talking about?" I ask, my heart stopping for a few seconds.


"Drop the act, Olivia. It's all over twitter, facebook and instagram! I saw the pictures and I just have to say that you two are the CUTEST couple I have ever seen," She giggles and I can hear her bouncing up and down.

Pictures? I slap my hand against my forehead. Of course there are pictures, that's what happens when the paparazzi gets a hold of you.

I rush over to my laptop, leaping over the back of the couch to turn it on.

"Thanks, Norah, but we're not dating." I tell her.

I can only imagine what the tabloids are saying.

"Mhm," She laughs, "Don't worry, your secret's safe with me! I'll talk to you sometime soon, we really need to catch up! Toodles!" She speaks nearly a mile a minute before hanging up the phone on me.

I drop my phone on the ground, completely speechless.

"What is it?" Tea leaps over the back of the couch as well, landing beside me.

I impatiently open the internet, getting frustrated that my computer's acting slow. I can still feel my heartbeat in my stomach.

"Apparently there's photos of Harry and I surfacing around every social networking site known to man and the word is that we're dating." I tell Tea, trying to type in twitter, but my hands shake and it takes me several tries.

I've seen the nasty things fans say/do to the girlfriend's of famous men. The female fanbase can get just downright nasty. I don't know if I even want to read these things.

As I my twitter account comes up, I see that I have millions of mentions. Tea leaps over me, trying to stop me from clicking on it,

"You don't want to read these. They'll just be saying a bunch of mean lies to make themselves feel better." She pleads, but I just push her off of me.

I'm a big girl. I can handle it.

@Oliviaaahh : giving hope to all those UGLY girls like her that they can get someone too.

Dear @Oliviaaahh please go jump off a bridge and do us all a favor?

Wonder how much @Oliviaaahh paid to be seen in public with someone like Harry?

@Oliviaaahh and @Harry_Styles? This has to be a late April Fool's Day joke.

Just kidding.

I can't handle this.

My stomach nearly exits my throat as I scroll through hateful tweets after hateful tweets directed towards me. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from tears forming in my eyes.

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