Chapter IV

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Later that night, Taehyung sat on his bed clutching his pillow tightly to his chest. He was the only one left in the room; his last roommate had been called earlier.

It was almost midnight and Karma hadn’t come yet. He was relieved that the almost overwhelming sick feeling in his stomach had lessened, it was still there, Taehyung could feel it but it wasn’t as strong as this morning.

Random thoughts entered Taehyung's mind and be couldn't help himself but to immerse himself in it. Maybe Taehyung had been foolish to believe the girl; after all she was nothing but a psychopath, well a smart psychopath.

She could be just playing around, fooling them for her own entertainment. After all Karma did say that she gets bored easily.

On the other hand, he couldn't stop thinking about Yoongi and Hoseok and Taehyung prayed to every god out there for their safety.

Another hour passed by and there was still no sign of Karma and Taehyung sighed. He'd be wasting precious sleep time if he kept waiting for nothing.

It wasn’t until a sudden knock from the door broke Taehyung from his thoughts. Slowly creeping up to the door, Taehyung pressed his ear on the surface, his heart thumping on his chest. Over the months that Taehyung stayed here, he had never ever heard a knock from the door before, this was prison and no one would think of ever being polite except for Namjoom.

Taehyung pressed his ear closer; he could hear murmuring and shuffling from the other side.

Then all of a sudden the door swung open, startling Taehyung and making him fall forward.

“Oh hello Taehyung! It’s nice to see you awake!” An all too familiar voice sounded in front of him. Picking himself up from the ground, Taehyung was ready to bark the girl's ear off when he noticed several eyes staring at him.

What he didn’t expect was that his friends were standing behind the all too cheerful girl.

She had actually brought them.


Everyone was seated on the floor, eyes on the girl who was deep in thought.

“So how did she get you guys out?” Taehyung leaned in, his voice low but loud enough for the others to hear.

“I don’t know. I woke up wanting to pee and suddenly I saw something move from the door, then I realized it was her. I also realized that I had accidentally peed on myself when I screamed before realizing it was her.” Jin stated in a matter-of-factly tone, eyes wide and lips pursed.

If this wasn’t such a serious situation right now Taehyung swore he would’ve busted out laughing, the face the eldest was giving them was priceless and laugh worthy. So Taehyung looked away, his body shaking as he tried to still down his laugh.

From the corner of his eyes he could see the others practically doing the same with Jungkook silently laughing with his back turned to the others, Jimin going red as he held in his laughter, trying to look serious which was terribly failing and with Namjoon biting his fist.

“You should’ve seen Jungkook.” Jimin started panting from the exertion of feigning to look serious. “I’ve never heard a man squeal like a girl before.”

That was the last straw and Taehyung let out a loud laugh, he couldn’t contain his laughter anymore, the thought of the toughest man in the circle squealing was too laugh worthy.

“At least I didn’t fall off the top bunk.” Jungkook fired back, now laughing as loud as Taehyung.

“What about you Namjoon? How’d she greet you?” Taehyung managed to get out in between pants and Namjoon suddenly went quiet.

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