Chapter I

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Taehyung sighed as he entered the noisy classroom, even though they were sent here to learn and reflect on the crimes they did, some habits never leave a criminal's life. He was sent here only a year ago, after he murdered his father out of anger and pent up frustration and was sentenced to thirty years in prison. The first year hadn't been so bad for Taehyung, he met friends.

Kim Seokjin, the eldest among the circle used to be the richest drug lord but not until an ex-girlfriend of his sold him off to the government and was now sentenced to twenty five years in prison.

Min Yoongi, known as Agust D in the underworld and Suga in the outside world was an arsonist, he said it was an addiction of his to set things on fire, made him feel euphoric but Yoongi's fire had hurt a lot of people and damaged a lot properties that were worth tens of millions and was sentenced to the same number of years as Jin's.

Jung Hoseok, was a smuggler and an informant, he didn't smuggle people but he smuggled illegal weopons and goods, traded confidential information and became a spy once for the many enemies of the government, yet the same people he worked for ratted him out, sentencing him to twenty years in prison.

Kim Namjoon, Seokjin's cousin. A computer prodigy who took the wrong turn, dropped out of college and began stealing money from numerous banks across the world thanks to his hacking abilities. No bank was safe when Namjoon was on his laptop but another computer prodigy working for the government outsmarted Namjoon ending his cyber reign and sentencing him to fifteen years in prison.

And lastly, Park Jimin and Jeon Jungguk, college roommates who became the underworld's most respected duo sharing the same passion for the art of assassination. They were the most paid duo in the world of hitmen, successfully killing even the most heavily guarded targets yet no matter how skilled a person is, there will always be another who is far better and greater. Choi Minho had been their last target and the duo had been caught in a trap sentencing them to thirty years in prison.

Taehyung had been grateful that he wouldn't be spending the rest of his prison time alone but he couldn't help but feel different from the others. Yes, most of them had killed numerous people but none had killed a family member and that difference alone made Taehyung feel like a real murderer.

His friends were boisterous as ever and Taehyung easily spotted them at the back of the classroom, grinning as he made his way to them.

"Hey Tae!" Jungkook greeted as he high fived Taehyung.

"Hey Kook, what's up? You guys are pretty early today." Taehyung asked as he took a seat next to Yoongi who flicked his forehead. "Aish, we're always early, you're just late."

Namjoon suddenly leaned in, looking around first before motioning the others to come closer. "I heard yesterday from the guards that a new one will get transferred here today and guess what, the dude came all the way from Pentagon."

"Yikes, he's that dangerous? And why's he getting transferred here? I mean Cypher might be Korea's heavily guarded prison but it still doesn't compare to Pentagon." Hoseok whispered, the others nodded in agreement. It was all too strange.


A sudden slam from the door startled everyone in the room and the boys instantly dispersed to their seats, knowing not to anger the greying man snearing at them on the teacher's table.

Taehyung fiddled with his fingers, Mr. Brownwin, their teacher and the head prison guard from America always made him feel nervous.

"You'll be having another 'classmate' from this day and forth." Mr Brownwin started, eyeing everyone before continuing. "Your new classmate is a girl, no older than nineteen."

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