Chapter II

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It was barely midnight and Taehyung was staring at the crusted ceiling for the fifth time, watching as cockroaches crawl occasionally before disappearing into the abyss of a crack.

His roommates were already fast asleep, strangers that he didn’t bother to get to know.

Taehyung’s heart was still pounding in his chest and he found himself clutching the area where it resided. The fear still had a grip on him, the cold eyes, the wicked grin and the raw bloodlust that loomed over their heads like a heavy raincloud. The scene kept replaying in his mind like a broken record that would forever play the same loop.

It had already been a few days since the incident and they hadn't been allowed to go out.

The man that had attacked him, his name was Ling and he was supposed to be released next month. Taehyung had took that away from the man, his freedom, his possibility to reunite with his family. He knew he shouldn’t blame himself for what had happened, afterall Ling was killed by that insane girl called Karma. But if Taehyung was strong enough, he could’ve settled it without that much blood being spilt and Ling would still be alive.


It suited her. Her parents must’ve had the ability to see the future to name her such a thing.

She was bad luck, bringing misfortune and death to anyone who crossed her path, paving a twisted and rocky road of blood and dead bodies.

She was insane too, Taehyung had seen psychopaths before, they were all violent and lusted after blood but Karma, she was different,  she knew when to be violent and she didn’t crave blood, it was more like she needed it in order to survive, the need to destroy something, to crush one’s dreams and future before snuffing out the light of one’s life.

Karma was the worst kind.

Yet, Karma had saved Taehyung, she had appeared when he needed help the most and even went as far as announcing that he and his friends were under her protection. It was all too confusing and terrifying at the same time.

Karma's personality was like an everchanging puzzle, so complex.

After the incident, several guards had came running, all too shocked and terrified to even come close to the girl, it wasn’t until a man with white hair wearing a lab coat approached the scene and managed to make Karma go back to her isolation room with  just a simple command. What confused Taehyung even more was that she didn't get punished, not even a scolding. Usually inmates who get caught fighting would get whipped several times. But her, she just walked out, happily humming like nothing inhumane had happened.

Turning onto his side Taehyung stuffed a hand underneath his pillow and forced his eyes close, he had enough weirdness and trauma for one day.


The one thing that annoyed Taehyung the most was rumours and whispers.

They guards had finally allowed them to leave their room and the first thing that greeted him were rumours about him and Karma having some kind of secret relation.

How the hell would he even meet someone that lived outside Korea? He hadn't even been outside Daegu before.

Karma’s short declaration had started that annoying buzzing from the inmates about how the hell had he managed to befriend such a dangerous person and when Taehyung finally sat himself in his respective seat he found himself being assaulted by his friends, their faces only inches from his as their mouths spat questions.

“Alright alright! Sheesh, do you guys have to get close like that?” Taehyung shouted as he slumped on his chair arms against his chest with an imminent frown on his face. “I’m as confused as you are.”

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