Chapter 17

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"I see...but?" Yuma asked, knowing there is no way there wasn't a downside.

"You can only meld into a shadow for about sixty seconds, before being forced out. If you leave too many gunk stains, you will no longer be able to use me for at least a hour, and in the worst case scenario, a day. You will pass out from the overuse, however you can increase your use time through practice." Yumito explained to Yuma, the rest of Team Seven still reeling from the shock of all the new information.

"I see, meaning the more I use you, the more amount of time I can use you increases." Yumito said, shaking slightly.

"Is something the matter?"

"No, I just wanna say...thank you."


"I mean...You gave me something...something that makes me thank you." Yuma said, genuinely smiling for once, which shocked Sasuke.

'Yuma...' Sasuke thought, having been the first person to point out Yuma's lack of genuine emotion, he was shocked seeing Yuma expressing such sincere thankfulness.

"...Think nothing of it. Besides, I didn't do it for you. If you had died then, I would have as well. I was merely, how do you people say, saving my own skin." Yumito said, not quite understanding the concept of emotion.

"Even so...Thank you. Thank you for giving me something that makes me special. Even if that something is not as powerful as a Byakugan, a Sharingan, or a Nine Tailed Beast, thank you." Yuma said, smiling with happiness he hadn't felt in such a long time.

"...Yes, well, you are quite welcome. Anyways, I require rest. Goodnight, Yuma."

"Goodnight Yumito."

And with that, the golden orbs resembling the eyes of the being born from Yuma's will, dissipated, as the world of dreams consumed it. Yuma looked at both of his now smoky arms, laughing slightly to himself.

"Yuma...when we get back to the Leaf Village, you got some explaining to do." Sasuke said, wanting to know exactly what had just happened, Naruko nodded her head in agreement.

"Yes, he will have to inform the Hokage as well. I'm quite curious as to how he gained this ability." Kakashi said aloud, looking at Yuma in suspicion.

Yuma looked at Kakashi, his eyes lighting up at his sensei's words.

"Actually Kakashi, I wanted to ask you something. Who is Orochimaru?" Yuma asked, Naruko, Sasuke, and Kakashi at the mere mention of the name.

Kakashi narrowed his one visible eye.

"Orochimaru is a traitor to the Leaf Village. He is a sick man who was found out to have been illegally experimenting on not only children, but any person with a Kekkai Genkai." Kakashi said.

"Yeah, he was also the former member of granny Tsunade's and pervy sage's team. He is a former member of the Sannin." Naruko said, not liking the fact that he used to be teammates with people she cherishes.

"A former Sannin!? He must be strong." Yuma said in surprise.

"Yes, and dangerous, why did you ask about him Yuma?" Kakashi asked, worried for his student.

In Their Shadow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora