"It was nothing of importance. I promise," Megatron grabbed her arm but she pulled it away and punched him in the chassis.

"..You win I'll tell you, I win and we never speak of this again, deal ?" Megatron curtly nodded then started swinging at Thunderstar. What he didn't expect was for her to run. Thunderstar ran into the forest behind them, bringing up shields to keep Megatron away from her until she could hide.

Thunderstar got to another open area with a waterfall and small lake, she heard Megatron and ran to the mountain and started climbing until she reached the top. Megatron growled and followed behind her, he was more than frustrated at this point.

Once he reached the top Thunderstar was there waiting for him, she swung her fist but missed him and lost her footing. Megatron grabbed her by the arm then pushed her down to the ground, his hand on her chassis with a great amount of force. She groaned but managed to tell him he won under her pained gasps of breath. He let go of Thunderstar then helped her up.

"..It wasn't a memory. It was a dream. In the dream I was-."

"Megatron, the Autobot's are attacking one of our mines, we require assistance or else we'll lose the energon !" Thunderstar and Megatron looked at one another as a ground bridge opened for them, Thunderstar would have to talk to him later. Something she wasn't very excited about, not in the slightest.

Before they left Megatron grabbed her arm and stopped her, he needed to know what the dream was. It had plagued his mind since that day, Thunderstar could see it was bothering him and put a hand in the middle of his chassis. "Later I will tell you," Thunderstar moved her hand and walked through the ground bridge in a hurry.

Megatron rolled his optics and followed Thunderstar through the ground bridge, he'd waited months for this information and the one time he got her all to himself it was ruined. Megatron hid his anger as they got back on the Nemesis and waited for Soundwave to open a new ground bridge for them. Meanwhile Megatron and Thunderstar checked the live feed from the mine to see the problem.

"Bulkhead move up," Thunderstar clenched her hands into fists as she saw Bulkhead and Wheeljack attacking the mine. She knew Bulkhead sent a comlink to base requesting back up, it was the only logical thing to do. Thunderstar saw their ground bridge open and wasted no time standing around, Megatron and a group of vehicon's were quick to follow her.

"Steve," the vehicons had started to name themselves, Steve being the leading officer of his own vehicon group.

"I want you to move outside, give us cover. Megatron and I will work with the other vehicon's to move the energon. The second their backup arrives come get me." Megatron grinned as Thunderstar took control of this situation just like her father had on Cybertron. He could see him in her more and more each day.

"Let's move, quickly." Thunderstar started moving the energon from the energon mine through their ground bridge. Knockout and Breakdown were at the edge of the portal grabbing the energon and placing it inside the Nemesis. Thunderstar took a moment to look at Megatron who was two levels higher then her moving the energon down the spiral staircase with the help of the vehicons.

"Lord Megatron, how much energon is left with you ?"

"The last bit is on its way down..And yourself ?"

"Just a few more bits and it'll be gone," Thunderstar grabbed the last bit of energon and handed it to a vehicon to take through the ground bridge. She let out a sigh of relief as she noticed it was all gone now, she gave Megatron a short smile as his last bit of energon was taken through the portal as well.

"Commander Thunder-..Optimus..We need..Help," Steve's comm was breaking up giving Thunderstar the alert to help the remaining vehicons outside the mine. Megatron was speaking with Knockout giving Thunderstar a chance to formulate a plan of attack.

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