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It's been a month since you guys get married and now, you're going on a honeymoon to Spain! It's your dream country ever since you were little. Not to mention you've watched the drama Memories of Alhambra.

You packed you clothes, your skincare, your toothbrush and toothpaste, your undergarments, and other stuff. "Wow, Y/N. We're going like three days later not tomorrow." Namjoon said as he chuckled a little while looking at you packing.

"I need to do an early preparation. What if I forgot something once we get there?" You said as you continued to do your work, not looking at his face.

He put a strand of your hair and put it behind your right ear. "Alright. Maybe I should be packing too." He said slowly as he got up and went to the storage room. He came back with his black luggage.

"Remember, don't overpack." You gave him a little reminder. He just smiled and packed his things.


"Y/N, come on!" Namjoon shouted as he put his luggage in the boot of the Grab car. You made sure you've took your passport, you switched off the lights and electricity and you've locked the door. We're ready to go! Spain, here we come! You smiled happily as you thought that in your mind.


You safely arrived at your dream country. The cold breeze shivered your warm skin but it didn't bother you. You were so fascinated with the city that you almost forgot about your luggage. Thanks to your husband, you finally got it.

"Excuse me, but do you know the way to go to this hotel?" Suddenly a man approached both of you. You looked at Namjoon and he smiled.

"Follow us. We're going to the same hotel too."

"Oh really? Thank God! Naeun, come on. We're going to our hotel!" The man said as the girl named Naeun came close to him. She was wearing a big hat even though it's not even that hot. That's way she was swearing.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" She said as she wore her sunglasses back. You didn't know her really well but you knew in your guts, something bad is about to happen.

"Not so fast. We have to wait for the taxi. Or if  you are very diligent  to walk to the hotel, go ahead." Namjoon shot back. You knew by his tone that he didn't like the girl's behavior.

"Fine. By the way, who are you guys?"

"I'm Kim Namjoon, and this is my wife, Kim Y/N." He smiled, showing off his dimples. He was doing it while held you closer to him. You blushed a little as you felt like he wanted to show off his wife.

"Oh really? So you guys are on a honeymoon? Us too! I'm Song Naeun and this is my ugh husband, Song Hyungki." She said, trying to look all cheerful and happy. She suddenly grabbed Namjoon's arm and said, "How about we go sightseeing together? It would be fun!"

He looked at you before answering. You gave him a weak smile. He probably noticed but he didn't say anything. "Thanks for offering, but I think I want to spend my time with my wife only. No need anyone else."

Naeun then pouted and glared at you. Excuse me, but who are YOU to glare at me? Are you trying to steal my husband when you already HAVE a husband? You thought in your mind.

Finally the taxi arrived. Namjoon sat in the front seat while you, Naeun and Hyungki sat at the back. Along the ride, you noticed an eye was glaring daggers at you but you didn't care. You just blasted the volume to high so you couldn't hear anyone. 


Finally, you arrived at the hotel. Namjoon checked in and luckily, you got a room far away from the Song couple. You sighed as you plopped yourself onto the bed. Namjoon did the same thing too. You turned around so you were facing him. "What do you think of Naeun, honestly?"

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