Teen Fiction 2nd Place Winner- Amphia234

18 6 2

Amphia234 -The Atheist Agenda 

Title (5) 5

Gripping and one of a kind. The title itself made me curious as to what the story is about. It fits the story plot perfectly and I was pleasantly surprised with the originality.

Blurb (10) 8

The blurb was very descriptive. I could see how you've incorporated a spiritual theme into the lives of teenagers. Personally, I felt that the blurb was a bit rushed, as if you were in a hurry to move on to the actual story.

Cover (5) 5

The cover corresponds very well with the character description. I'm a bit confused as to why 'THE' is in a different colour. Regardless, I love it! I'm assuming that the background comprises of the Dogwood flowers.

Plot (20) 19

The plot was well paced. It is gradual and properly balanced. Alternating POV usually cause confusion, but in your case, it worked wonders. In fact I had skimmed through the story offline, but was able to identify the POV easily. I'm eager to know what the ' agenda' in the title suggests. I really enjoyed the narration.

Characterization (20) 17

What I admire about this story is the diversity of the characters, in terms of both culture and personality. Their differences stood out in particular. It looked as if you have done your research on the cultures or are writing based on personal experience. Yet, I suggest adding more description of the characters physical attributes and emotions.

Creativity / Originality (10) 10

One of the most original stories I've come across on wattpad. It's the uniqueness that appealed to me. A book that I could recommend to anyone tired of cliches. Very refreshing!

Spelling and grammar (15) 14

I noticed a few discrepancies in grammar and one or two typos. Overall, it was a pretty clean read. I like how you've properly used italics to emphasize certain points.

Enjoyability (5) 5

I had a hard time putting down the book after the first five chapters. I'm literally hooked. I can't wait to know what's going to happen next. I also enjoyed the single sentences in every banner. Mr.Pfeiffer gave me a good laugh.

Literary devices (5) 4

I was able to detect quite a number of literary devices, but I feel that you could add a bit more to make it a flavourful read.

Description (5) 3

The description was somewhat sketchy. There can be more information added in terms of characterization. If not for the pictures of the cast in the beginning, I would've had a hard time visualizing them.

Total (100) 90

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