Chapter Twenty Seven

Beginne am Anfang

"Now I have to get that as well." Samanta rolled her eyes. "Too many last-minute things, Emilie."

Emile chuckled and walked out of the room and down the stairs, "Think of it as how well I can do my job." She walked out of the house to the car.

"I know I'm doing a great job, I know that."

Emilie raised her eyebrow at her, "How is Alicia's room coming along?"

"Perfect, last-minute touches are going into it as we speak."

"Make sure the flower wall is over the double doors of her office. You know her business was supposed to be in the same building as mine."

"Why did you move it and buy her a building?'

Emilie shrugged, "We didn't need to see each other every day."

Alicia stood on the stool while the designer makes final touches to her dress. She had a glass of white wine in her hand. When Emilie set up this appointment, appointment, Alicia didn't imagine bringing it to this luxury place, but what did she expect? Emilie had money, and she flaunted it. Sanna decided to tag along, along, and she was loving it.

"Emilie is going to get a bone when she sees you in this dress." Sanna squealed.

"Mommy, what's a boner?" Amia asked.

Alicia glared at Sanna, "It's a bad word, baby Don't repeat what Aunty Sanna says." She turns to Sanna, "Watch your mouth."

"Mommy, you look beautiful." Amia gushed.

"Thank you, baby." Alicia looked over at Sanna. "Are you and Levi ready for the ball?"

"Yes, we already got my dress and his suit."

Jhonathan the designer tapped her ankle, "Alright Alicia, take off the dress while I go get a pair of heels that Emilie said she thinks you will like."

Alicia stepped off the stool and shrugged the dress off of her. She. She grabbed her sweatpants and a big tee shirt and hung the dress back onto the rack.

"Mommy, my dress is pretty, just like yours." Amia looked up at her. Her. "We will be princesses."

Jhonathan rushed back into the room, carrying a red box, "Here you go."

Alicia opened the box, and Sanna gasped. It. It was an all-white 6-inch heel with diamond studs on the sole of it. "Wow, Emilie did such a good job." she placed the box down and tries on the shoe.

"Yes, she wants you to look fabulous. She's putting out a lot of money on this."

"This is so pretty Mommy, it looks just like my shoes," Amia said.

"Did Emilie pick the dress as well?"

Alicia shakes her head no. "I'm going to surprise her on the day. These heels are perfect." She places the heels into the box.

"Good. Let's get them packed and put them in the dress." Jonathan takes the box. "You are going to be the belle of the ball."

"Do you think he's gay?" Sanna asks Alicia.

"I don't think so. Maybe he is."

Amia tugged her t-shirt. "I want to go home. I'm ready to see Emmy. Miss her."

Alicia rubs her back, "Okay let's go." she drinks the rest of her wine, "Let's go Sanna."

"This is only my second glass of wine," Sanna whined.

"You can have more wine another time." Alicia shook her head at her as they walked to the front of the store. "Johnathan, thank you for everything. I can't wait for Emilie to see everything."

Jhonathan gave her a side hug, "Don't thank me you're marvelous honey."

Alicia smiled and held Amia's hand as Sanna whined in the back about not drinking the rest of the best wine she ever tasted.

The older woman walked into the building that was filled with the diamonds they were going to showcase at the ball. She had requested to see the line just before the launch date.

"Let me see Amia's necklace." Emilie requested as she sat on the sofa in the room.

"Sure Ms. Ferla." The man walked forward showing her the small heart shape diamond with little white diamonds on the chain with a pair of earrings to match.

"You did great with this. Let's see the bracelet and watch."

They brought forward a blue box with a thick white and blue bracelet and watch the bracelet was made of white gold with little blue diamonds but the watch was a piece that nearly made her gasp the entire thing was white with the blue diamond around the frame and band.

"Bravo." Emilie did a little clap. "Everything in here looks beautiful. I'm proud."

"Ms. Ferla, the car is already downstairs."

"You're leaving already." The man asked.

Emilie looked over at him. "Yes, I'm very busy today."

"We didn't get to show you a lot of pieces."

Emilie looked down at her watch. "I have seen enough." She walked out of the building to the car.

"Goodnight, Ms. Ferla," Jeff says as the car pulls off.

"Jeff, how is the security service I requested for the ball coming along?"

"One hundred guards, as requested."

"Samantha." Emilie checked her phone, realizing that she had a few missed calls from Alicia. "What is the time?"

"You have your phone in your hand." Samantha groaned.

"Oh yeah, it's eight." Emilie grabs a handful of grapes from Samantha's bowl. "Jeff, take Samantha home after, or do you want to stay with us tonight?"

"Stop eating my grapes," Samantha lightly smacks her hand. "I have to go home."

The car came to a stop at the front of the house. Emilie opened the door before Jeff could "Okay, reach home safely. Jeff, be careful with her."

"I know boss, Ms. Rose is always safe with me."

"Alright." Emilie stepped out of the car, "Goodnight Samantha and Jeff." she closes the door and walked to the door but I opened it with Alicia standing there with her hands folded.

"Where were you? I called at least ten times."

"Sorry." Emilie grabbed her waist and kissed her cheek lightly, "I had last-minute touches to do with the ball." She let her go and walked to the kitchen."Where's Amia?"

"Next time let me know I was worried." Alicia walked behind her. "I made dinner already, She's watching the television."

"I have to shower, then we can have some family time."

Alicia wraps her hand around her abdomen. "I miss you." She kisses her lips.

"I miss you too." Emilie nuzzles into her neck.

Alicia lets her go and walked away before Emilie pulls her back in, "How about you put Amia to bed and then we have some fun?"

Alicia turned to her, "Nope you said family time, get in the shower." She smacks her butt and walked away with an extra switch in her walk.

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