March 27th

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March 27th.

I... I've discovered Emily's power source. While I was wondering about the house I heard rising voices from the workshop. Hiding behind a door I saw Michael arguing with Emily. He seemed incensed, and mortified, much like Ethan was before he disappeared.

Michael turned his back to Emily, and that's when she struck. She had hidden a wrench in her hand, and hit him over the head with it when he turned. He slumped over, and she beat him several more times.

It made my stomach sick. I wanted to run over and help, but my fear froze me in place. Emily dragged the body over to her generator. She took a saw and... I'll spare the details. She opened the hatch on the top, and dropped the body in. Then she turned it on.

I can't describe what I felt. In an instant, it felt like a part of my soul had vanished. I could feel my memories fading and changing, until I was half convinced that Michael was just a hallucination. Then, the machine began humming and glowing.

It was here I realized her power source was human souls. She has been killing people and using their souls to power my machine. When their souls are used, they are removed from reality.

After this realization I confronted her, angry. She revealed that our neighbor Jack had come over early in the project, and he was the source of our first experiment. Before that, she had used some of the homeless for testing.

She tried to assure me that there was no risk of altering the timeline. She said that yesterday she used Doctor Clinton's body to kill Ethan as a child, to ensure that there would not be any time anomalies.

I was mortified to say the least. I seized a hammer and tried to break the machine but... she got in the way. She shouted that we could change the world and save our daughter, but I didn't listen.

I swung the hammer and hit her, square in the head. Her head hit the side of the workshop table and I knew she was gone.

Now, I know what I must do. I have seen the pain and harm that my machine has caused.

Emily, if you are somehow reading this, please know that I have always loved you. This mistake is mine and mine alone. I know what I need to do. I'm so sorry. I just wanted to see her one last time.

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