March 18th

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March 18th.

It worked. It was... a bit disorienting, but by the gods, it worked.

When I first went back, I was disoriented at first but steadied myself. I felt a bit queasy, but ignored my feelings. I was in the workshop and a study of the log book showed that it matched the records of yesterday. Everything was the same. One interesting thing is that I could not locate my journal from that day. It would appear that the journal is also an anchor, due to its proximity to my device during the first trial. This means that only one copy can exist at a time. I am unsure if I have successfully anchored myself or not, but decided not to push the matter.Per the discussed experiment, I picked up a hammer from the tool rack, moved it to the kitchen, and placed it in the cupboard.

After five minutes, I returned to the present. Michael verified that I had only been gone for three minutes. Upon inspection, the hammer was located where I had left it in the past. We celebrated after that. Project Erin was a success. I joked that our cheering may have woke the neighbors. Michael gave me an odd look but said nothing. Tomorrow we shall extend the range for our second test.

I need to prepare. Myself, I mean. Before today I never thought that making such a thing would be possible, but now that it is... I want to see Erin again. No, I NEED to see Erin again. It would put my mind at peace once and for all. 

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