March 4th

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March 4th.

I've decided to take up Doctor Clinton's advice in keeping a journal. He tells me it will help me keep my head clear. I must say it will be nice to have all my thoughts together for once. Although, perhaps having all my thoughts in one place is not the best of ideas. This new medication he's given me has left me... queasy, I suppose. I find it in my best interest to take the rest of the day off. But recently I've had an idea for a project. I shall elaborate in the morning.

- John


Time. Time is something that has existed forever. Throughout human history, Time has always been a matter of discussion. We have always strived to tame it, to measure it, to keep it under control. We keep it in our clocks, on our phones, in our minds and in our hearts. But who really can control Time? If you could turn the proverbial clock back and fix your greatest mistakes, would you? But even if one could control Time, what about the cost?

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