March 7th

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March 7th.

Ethan has verified my work, saying that although it seemed to go above his head, everything seemed to work fine. Michael has seen the blueprints and made recommendations for the materials. The next step is to gather the materials and begin construction.

Another factor I must consider is how time itself works. There are many theories out there involving time, with Michael being a firm believer in string theory. Suppose that for breakfast, you had a choice of cereal or bread. Say you chose the bread. Now, string theory states that while you did chose the bread, in another, parallel universe, you chose the cereal. This branching out of choices continues for every choice we make.

Ethan has a simpler theory. He claims that time moves like a car down a road: it can only go forwards. He is a firm believer that there is only one world, and one time.

I believe that my invention can work with both of their theories. If time branches out into other worlds like Michael claims, than my invention should allow me to jump from one branch to another, among an almost infinite number of worlds.

But if time is like Ethan says, then my invention should allow me to move forwards and backwards in time, along a simple line. I have yet to work out the specifics of this method, though. I need to determine if my invention will have any constraints. Fortunately, Emily has offered to assist me in my endeavors.

Another concern is power. All of our calculations and work mean naught if we can not turn the machine on or off. This is a problem I have brought up, and Ethan, Michael, and Emily have all agreed to work on it.

Besides the unknown variables, I believe that Project Erin is off to a good start. I plan to leave for Weary Ranch to secure some materials and will return tomorrow night.

On a more personal note, I noticed Emily has become a bit paranoid. The other night there was a crash from the workshop. Some cans of paint had fallen over, but it startled Emily a good bit. She was as pale as a ghost. The next day she told me she had some faith in our project. I'll need to probe her further on this. 

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