Plan comes to Fruition

Start from the beginning

"That's not our job and we came only as we were promised some extra cash"

"Look you guys the vegetables are already late and Chef is screaming. Just get the truck behind there and talk with the Chef for extra payment option"

08:35 am

Still at the hotel

Chef, "Where have you been? We are late with our lunch. Get all the veggies unloaded"

"We were told we'll get extra for unloading. How much?"

"You go and speak with the floor manager, others stay at the kitchen entrance and help with the unloading" and Chef went inside asking the Sous-Chef to direct the unloading.

Two of the guys along with Jeetu go behind the truck with the Sous-Chef while the driver along with an accomplice dislodges from the truck with a backpack and another luggage bag on both and goes in to the hotel to meet with the floor manager. They come to an agreement with the manager regards to payment, which they mentioned to collect in the evening after their truck deliveries are done for the day and the persons returns to the truck sans the bags and help with the unloading.


Most of the hotel was empty as booking was low due to the effect of the protesters and the news defaming the Kamath Holdings, the top two floors were entirely for the wedding party with no entry for outsiders, for the period of the marriage. 

The members of Khatri family were provided accommodation in the hotel suites. And once unpacked everyone moved to the Dining Room for breakfast and some R & R. The ladies were of to the spa in the hotel, and the girls of Khatri family for some required shopping.

09:30 am

JK and his band of friends were in the lobby helping with all the guests through the throngs of protesters and camera crews still outside. Roz calls him on the phone;

"Has everyone come in. Mummy, Papa have they settled in."

"Don't worry they are all here."

"I have got a bad feeling Jaz"

"Going cold feet on me."

"No, it is not that."

"I know. Don't worry. Smile and get ready to be with me soon"

"Not gonna happen, I'll still be daddy's girl. Love ya. Bye"

"Love you too. Bye"

Seeing Dev enter the lobby JK goes to meet him.

"What are you doing here? Want to join the grooms party?"

"Ha! I want to be the Saala and make your life a living hell. Dad made me come to check the arrangements. Is everything to your satisfaction?"

"It's all great. Don't worry. My family is settled."

Looking around Dev mentioned, "God look at the security. Dad is worried about the safety with the protestors outside. The news that we were responsible for the fire and the protest outside has bought down our bookings."

"It will pick up; the government is planning for a judicial probe. Our family will get a clean slate"

"Ours! Ha ha ha. Good. Had breakfast? And lunch too is arranged. We will reach by 8, so be ready by then."

"Everything is fine and we will be ready. Tell your dad not to worry."

"Soon going to be yours too, you can take over for me, I don't like responsibility."

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