“Greg!” I scream with enthusiasm seeing him leant on the car waiting for us. I haven’t seen or heard from him in ages!

“Hey there Mia!!” he returns with the same enthusiasm.

I go over to give him a big friendly hug. I still remember that day when he assured me about Dan liking me.

“I heard about you and Dan, congratulations,” Greg says softly.

“Yeah, thanks,” are the only words that come out of my mouth, but still it came out with uncertainty.

“Hey, don’t hug her that long, I’ll get jealous,” I hear Dan chuckle behind us.

I turn around and Dan swiftly places a kiss behind my ear.

“Woah. A bit possessive?” I giggle.

He smiles and winks at me before we hop into the car to get to the event venue.

A few minutes into the ride, and Micky and Sky has already drifted into their own little world, giggling and snuggling into each other.

I turn back to take a glimpse of the back seats, to see Greg smirk at the sight of them, and I let out a small chuckle.

“So how’s Dan treating you Mia?” Greg asks curiously.

“Horrible!” I say, trying to keep a straight face. “I was baking a cake yesterday, he kept disturbing me; he almost blew up my house making popcorn; he almost starved me by not making enough breakfast; and he loves tickling me because he knows I don’t like being tickled, “ I form a list of events.

“Hey!” Dan takes one hand off the wheel and slaps me in the arm playfully.

“See Greg?! Horrible,” I whine, trying not to laugh.

Greg lets out a laugh, “Dan! Buddy, that’s no way to treat a girl!” He plays along.

I poke my tongue out at Dan.

“Nah, all jokes aside, he’s amazing. Best boyfriend ever.” I smile, sliding my hand into his until our fingers interlock, before looking back to see Greg grinning widely at us.

We fall silent for a minute or so, and Greg starts to talk again, “How are you coping with us being a boyband and all?”

“Pretty well,” I hesitate out. How do I explain to them their rehearsals and recording sessions almost kill me because I don’t get to see Dan? How do I tell them I’m not exactly ready to deal with the hate?

“That’s good!” Greg exclaims.

“A few fans actually found Mia’s twitter,” Sky randomly joins in.

I snap my head to her direction, giving her a stiff shake of the head, and a stern look. I am NOT letting her tell Dan about my hate messages from this morning, I want to tell him myself, when the time’s right.

Aware that my sudden movement has attracted all eyes on me, I let out a little laugh and say quickly, “Yeah, pretty impressive fans! They’re onto it”

The car fills up with unconvincing nods of agreements.

I turn to look at Dan, to see whether I’ve saved myself from this situation. But I can’t tell, he keeps an expressionless face, and his eyes stay fixed on the road.

“We’re here!” Micky exclaims. I laugh as he bounces out of the car with excitement as soon as we pull up into a parking space.

I look around, and the realisation finally hits me. This is the place Dan and I spent our first date. I smile as the vivid memories fill my mind. Dan asking me to be his girlfriend, the song he sang and played to me, my hand on his as he taught me piano…This theatre means a lot to me.

Say That You'll Stay (GMD3/District3 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now