Chapter 18

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I stumble into town like a drunkard. The dream from last night still rattles me to my bones, shaking me to my very core.

The memory had surfaced with as little warning as a tornado. It had crashed through my sleep, tearing and shredding my mind as it went, leaving me an emotional wreck. The memory knocked down my walls as it escaped from that little box everything got shoved into. I was rendered powerless and hate it.

I squint as I stroll along the pavement. The sun is blinding, scorching my eyes with little mercy. I can barely see anything through the lights harsh glare as it bombards my pupils.

Why I had promised Ivy I would come and hang out with them, I'm not sure. I was very aware it was going to be during the day yet my foolish ass still said yes. We are creatures that rule the darkness and live in the shadows. We don't do daylight.

I could ditch them and not go but then I'd be cooped up in the house like a vampire avoiding all contact with sunlight.

Blind, I bump into something. What I think is a man, stumbles back, glancing up from the device in his hand. He looks no younger than forty five, slight creases forming around his eyes and on his forehead. Black hair greying at the roots.

"I'm sorry, Miss," he apologises.

The man goes to walk around me when I grab his arm. He looks at my hand with creased eyebrows. I shove him into an alley and he stumbles before catching himself.

"Is there a problem?" he sneers. He try's to sound brave but caution leaks into his words like toxic waste, giving away his false bravado.

With a smirk, the matter in my body pulls itself apart. A strangled sound spills from his mouth as his eyes pop. Cells detach and morph, becoming something else as a force rips through my insides. My body transforms into a black mist as thick as tendrils of smoke. The humans eyes go wide but before he can scream, the mist, a foreign invader, travels into his mouth, infiltrating his senses with ease.

I spread through his whole body like a disease, working my way to his brain. His body jerks and thrashes as I anchor myself into his mind.

He spasms and lurches, gagging out nothing. His form fights, trying to rid me. A bug, I squish him down and take control.

I blink. Feeling returns to my limbs, a numbness wearing off. I spread my hands in front of me, once feminine now masculine. I roll my neck and give a little shake, getting used to the new frame.

Possession is a basic skill that all demons are capable of. Invading a body, taking control, is like instinct, the same as breathing to a human. It is a handy talent to have.

I rake through the humans brain as if it's office files. I flick passed his memories and thoughts, gauging around in his head. Once I find the information I need, I exit his body.

Fog pools from the humans mouth before I solidify, changing into my own form. A thud and the man has collapsed to the ground, breathing ragged and harsh.

I pluck the phone out of his hand. With the information I took from his mind, I unlock it with success.

I smile. 'Phone' can now be ticked of my list. Ivy will be pleased.

Just because I can, I snatch the sunglasses of his face to reveal his blood shot eyes. Slipping them on I can see! The suns light now reduced to a minor inconvenience. A blurry mess now a slight haze.

The human sits up with a gasp on the dirty ground. He vacuums in air with greedy intakes as if he can't get enough of oxygens sweet reassurance that he is still alive.

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