Music Can Help You Say What You're Feeling

Start from the beginning

Bee stood and backed up. He was both confused and a bit scared now. "I'm-I'm sorry. I thought you said I could play another one, so I just chose one had your name on it and I just..I... I'm sorry, Charlie."

He lowered his head in regret and shame. He felt as if he just lost a friend.

The anger on Charlie's face began to go away and was replaced by regret as well.

"I'm sorry," she said, walking over and hugging him. He immediately returned the hug. "It's ok, alright?"

She felt him nod against her. They pulled apart and she smiled at him. He smiled back, just not as enthusiastically.

"Hey, I finished." She held up the radio from the Corvette. "Let's see if we got something, huh?"

Bee looked at her and smiled with a nod. He stepped back and let out a huff of air before his suit appeared and he began to transform. As he did, Charlie went and got a stepping stool and placed it right where the fully transformed BumbleBee was waiting.

She stepped up, knocked on the piece of car hood that was overlapping the already broken radio, to which Bee raised. Carefully, she disconnected it, took it out, and connected the new radio.

"Okay," she exhaled as she slid it in. Then the moment of truth came. She turned the knobs and the next thing she knew, music stared playing.

That smile that Bee had grown to love returned. "Oh, my god! Yes! It worked!" She cheered.

Bee stood up straight and then a funny feeling took over. Suddenly, his his hips started moving back and forth to the beat. It felt kinda good. Soon, his knees got into it too. Then his shoulders!

"Look at you go! Bee, you got some moves!" This gave Charlie an idea. She jumped off the stool and ran to her collection of musical tapes. "You know, Bee, music can help us to say our feelings."

Picking one out, she ran back to Bee and popped it into the cassette slot. "You're gonna love this." She said confidently. "It's brand new."

Immediately after it started, Charlie started to bob her head to the music but was shocked when the tape shot out of the radio like a bullet and hit the wall behind her.

"Not a Smiths fan." She stated before going back to her collection and looked for a new tape.

"Okay. Ahm... Here. Try this." She popped it in and back away to see his reaction.

She smiled with anticipation as she waited for Bee's reaction. But once again, she ducked quickly as the tape was shot out of the radio.

She came back up with a look of confusion, and slight annoyance. "Fine." She sighed, stepping off the stool.

Back to the collection Charlie went, intent on finding one that would please him. "Okay, next...Let's see. Well, Joan Jett & The Black Hearts...Stones."

Then something in her peripheral vision made her look to see Bee, back in his humanoid form, flipping through the record on a shelf.

"Hey, Hey, Hey! Please don't touch those. Please."

The moment she raised her tone, Bee jumped back and put his hands up in defense. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He replied, shrinking back.

Charlie, seeing that she made him jumped, let out a sigh and calmed herself. Looking over to the records, she said, "They belonged to my dad."

She walked over to them slowly and smiled a little as she pulled one of the records out.

"Do you want to hear it? She asked, looking to her yellow clad friend.

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