A Kiss For Your Thoughts

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Morana shuffled awkwardly behind the sofa. On the one hand, it was important to gather information. On the other hand, she didn't like how close her mother was with Mindlapse, whom she now knew as Clarence Bordeaux.

She did think that the great Mindlapse would have some sort of... muscle to him. Her parents certainly made it seem that way.

Clarence started to kiss her mother's neck, completely smitten over her. She hated seeing this as much as her father did. But apparently it was 'the only way' to gather information from him.

"Tell me, darling..." Hekate began, "... What happened to you? You used to be so powerful... it would make your sweetie so happy if you could be as powerful as you were back then!"

"I-I don't know if I can control that much power anymore, sweetie..." Clarence muttered. They had pet names now. Morana wanted to throw up.

"Wouldn't you do it for me?" Hekate tilted her head, "Come on... it would make me so very happy... you want more kisses, don't you?"

Clarence nodded rapidly. "Th-There is a way that I enhance my powers... it allows me to reach around the world. Would that suffice?"

"All... around the world...?" Hekate whispered, a mad grin on her face. "Yes, Yes... that would be perfect! How do you achieve such a feat?"

"I built a machine back home... I can build it here. I just need the necessary materials-" Clarence began to explain, but was cut off by Hekate.

"Can't we just use the one you've already built?" She asked him. "It would be such a bother to have to build a new one..."

"N-No-!" Clarence blurted out. Hekate was shocked; he hadn't shown any signs of resistance before. When she suggested visiting the academy, he suddenly turned.

"Don't try fighting it, Clarence." Hekate glared at him, noticing he was struggling against her shadows. "I'll kiss you as many times as I need be."

"D-Don't you dare go near the academy-!" Clarence strained, clutching his head in pain. "I'll do whatever you want... just, please... don't hurt anyone else..."

Hekate held his head up by his hair. "My, nobody has ever willingly given in before... you must really care about all those brats of yours, hmm?"

"As a parent yourself, I thought you would understand." Clarence looked behind him, catching the eye of Morana. She scurried back into hiding.

"Says the man that's going to help us rule this planet!" Hekate said with a grin, kissing him again. After a few moments, her shadows took control of Clarence again.

Morana stuck out her tongue. Her mother was making sure that he wouldn't break control again, which meant she had to deal with a minute of them making out.

"I'll write you a list of the things I need, darling!" Clarence smiled at Hekate as they finally pulled away. He began to write down the materials needed for the machine, Hekate looming over him.

"Seth and I will get all of these... Aww, you've even written where we can get them from!" Hekate patted him on the head. "I may find a further use for you yet..."

"It'll be built as soon as possible, darling!" Clarence beamed at her, "What should I do in the meantime?"

Hekate hesitated, obviously not having thought that far. "Oh, uh... I dunno. Keep our brat out of trouble or something."

Clarence nodded as Hekate left the room, reading all of the materials. He peaked behind the sofa Morana was hiding and waved at her.

Morana gasped; she wasn't used to being the centre of attention. Then she remembered that her mother was in control of him and feared the worse.

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