Fire and Ashes

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Luella looked at all of the monitors in the building, whilst Ackley helped a reluctant Felice crawl out of the ventilation system.

"There's hundreds of rooms," Dai noted, quickly taking a peek outside. "It'll take us ages to find the one we want."

"We're going to that room!" Luella declared, pointing towards a rather empty room, save for a small object in the middle.

Ackley studied the room carefully, noting down even the slightest detail. "It looks different from the other that due to what's inside of it?"

"Does it look like she's been here before, Ackley?" Red retorted. "We'll find out once we get there. Just be patient."

"Can I trust Dai to be in charge of you lot whilst you make your trek over there?" Clarence asked the group. "Luella is going to stay here and help guide you, with the assistance of myself. And also warn you of any da-"

"Uh, how come Dai gets to be in charge?" Felice piped up. "When was this decided?"

"Are you saying that he's not a good leader?" Carlen defensively stepped in front of Dai. "He's the best leader we could ever have!"

Dai seemed to want to move on with the conversation, so he tugged Carlen's arm in hopes that it would move the conversation along. It didn't.

"Is this really what we're arguing over?" Ackley shook his head and stood between Carlen and Felice. "We need to get this done before the guards wake up."

Luella started pressing random buttons at a rapid pace. "He's right! As soon as I turn the cameras off, you lot can go. The room should be, uh...left, down a bit, and then to your left again."

"I just teleport us out of there, right?" Carlen asked Luella. "I don't really wanna do it, but I suppose I have to..."

"It'll be fine, Carlen," Dai smiled at the taller boy. "You keep forgetting that we're not going to judge you based on your appearance."

Carlen didn't seem too convinced. "Yeah, but...I look real ugly. You don't wanna see me like that, which is why I take the medicine that is offered to me."

"We are so not starting this debate again," Red rolled her eyes and headed for the door. "Save the 'it's not medicine if it's suppressing your powers' thing for later, Dai."

Dai frowned, his attempts to prevent Carlen from being addicted to the so-called 'medicine' had failed yet again.

Ackley was the first to step out into the corridor, his eyes observant. One by one, they all crept silently along, mirroring a spy movie that was shown to them on movie night.

"What if these guards wake up, Ackley?" Felice asked him, nudging a guard to make sure that they weren't awake.

"They won't...I think," Ackley told her. "All plants are unique, so I won't be surprised if the time frame from when they're out is shorter."

"And now you tell us...?" Red whined from the back. "Maybe mention that a little beforehand next time, okay?"

Ackley took a worried glance at Red. "I didn't want to worry anyone. I hate it when we get into arguments, so I decided to avoid mentioning it until I was asked directly."

Unfortunately, their peace and quiet had to come to an end. A hand suddenly reached out towards Dai, dragging him to the ground.

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