Evil Endeavour

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Everyone waited outside the Ailbhe residence, which Clarence had noted that it was hidden from non-Superhumans. Security was lax. Red thought that they preferred to kill intruders themselves, rather than leave it to machinery.

Dai glanced at some posters nearby. Apparently, an election was coming up - the posters practically screamed 'VOTE HAROLD DIXON' at passersby. He paid it no thought. He was too young to vote, anyway.

"Are we all ready?" Ackley asked the group. He noticed that Dai was trembling slightly, holding on to Carlen's hand for comfort.

"Remember, Red, Ackley, try to find as much as possible whilst we distract them." Clarence told everyone. "Felice, you might as well help, too..."

"I doubt you could put on a performance to please them, Professor." Felice scoffed. "I have a lovely performance in my head that'll surely please them."

Carlen knocked on the door and waited for a response. Eventually, Morana opened the door for them. Red's heartbeat quickened.

"I don't remember inviting a circus..." She said as she glanced towards Red, a smile on her face. "... But I don't mind if there's cuties here."

Red felt her face tint a crimson colour. Luella flashed a smile towards Morana. "We're here to perform to your parents, dear! We idolise them sooo much... they're so amazing, we just want to show them how much we love them!" Only she could say that lie so well.

"I-I'm sure my parents will love it." She stammered, as if scared. "Follow me... I'll lead you to a room where you can set up. I'll go inform my parents afterwards."

The group were led to a wide, open area, akin to a stage. At one end of the room, chairs akin to a throne lined up against a grand table. Two of them, at least. The other was a poorly made wooden one.

"Will this be big enough?" Mumbled Luella from her box. "I, um, can't see much from this hole..."

"It's perfect!" Carlen grinned as he rushed to prepare everything. "Right, we'll set up whilst you lot do your thing, okay?"

Ackley nodded and left with Red, the pair trying to be as quiet as possible. Whilst Dai and Carlen were setting up the props, Felice prepared a perfect performance for them.

Morana entered, followed by her parents. Seth and Hekate both wore extravagant clothing - whilst Morana's looked like they were hand-me-downs.

She allowed her parents to sit down first before she did - if Red was here, she'd be screaming about her treatment. Felice slowly opened the curtains as Carlen and Dai's little performance began.

Felice, however, looked worried. But she was more surprised when Clarence began to telepathically speak to her - he couldn't see out of his box, and he promised that he would never look inside of their minds without permission.

"I see you can't provide an illusion for them, either." He said as his voice echoed in her mind. "I suspect those headpieces they have on are similar to mine - they null mental powers. Pity... I was going to have a peek."

"What do we do, Professor?" Felice mumbled, "You'll have to do your own performance, and we have to keep them distracted for long enough so-"

"Relax! Luella and I have it covered." He soothed her, a hint of glee in him. "Although... I do wish Luna would've dressed me differently. When I said that I wanted Luella and I to be unrecognisable, this was not what I meant."

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