A Perilous Plan

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"B-Breaking and entering-?!" Ackley wrapped a nearby plant over his fingers in fear, a habit he often found himself doing. "You told us that those things are bad! We could hurt people...!"

"Don't worry, Ackley," Clarence assured the nervous boy. "I wouldn't let you lot do something so terrible. Luella and I will go instead."

"That's not fair!" Red piped up, her hair flaring. "We were involved in this, too. We should be able to help!"

"She's right, you know," Felice noted. "This is the only time something remotely exciting has happened. And I'm bored."

"Besides," Dai intruded, holding Carlen's arm tight. "You always told us that we should learn how to use our powers. This would be a perfect chance to teach us how to not injure people with them."

"No..." Clarence still didn't seemed convinced. "...you are all students, not soldiers. I wouldn't forgive myself if any of you got hurt."

"We can protect ourselves!" Yelled Carlen, pulling Dai closer to him. "We're not those little kids you rescued from horrible situations anymore. We're your best students!"

"They do raise a good point, Clarence," Luella told him. "Besides...I doubt that we could do it alone. We're not miracle workers."

"The answer is still no," Clarence replied, shaking his head. "Please understand..."

"This isn't fair!" Red stomped her feet angrily. "The one time when we can help you, and we can't even come along?!"

"R-Red, please calm down..." Ackley murmured. "It's not as bad as you think."


Everyone's attention suddenly turned to the newcomer that had wondered into the room. It was a little girl, one of a pale complexion. As soon as Clarence had spotted her, he ran towards her and scooped the girl up in his arms.

"Oh, Luna! Did you have a nightmare again?" He cradled the girl gently, slowly inching out of the room. "It's okay, sweetie. I'll protect you..."

Luella closed the door behind him, before turning to the group with a grin on her face. "Okay, everyone go through that door over there! We're going to bust into a secret place!"

"It's not much of a secret if people know about it." Felice commented, readjusting her glasses.

"That's not the point..." Luella quickly shoved some bookcases out of the way, revealing a hidden door. "...the point is, rather, that you guys can come along and help m- um, us! I'd rather have more people come along, since there's not much a mind reader and a gravity changer can do."

Carlen grinned, dragging Dai with him to the door. "Sounds like fun! Maybe I'll be able to get some cute pictures of Dai whilst I'm at it..."

Dai's face flushed a crimson colour. "Your room is littered with pictures of me-! I don't get how you take those pictures, especially of the ones of me sleeping, but it's...!"

"That's creepy as hell, Carlen!" Red rolled her eyes at the blond boy. "Jeez, Dai might as well be your husband or something!"

"Dai? My husband?!" Carlen jokily pretended to faint, only stopping a few feet off of the ground. "I can only imagine...!"

Dai hid behind Ackley, who was just as confused at the whole ordeal. Instead, he was playing with a nearby plant, watching as the leaves stroked his fingers.

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