Demon Of the Sky

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Dai activated his power, his right eye slowing down even further. In order to give himself time, he needed to slow it down. Carlene mattered to him too much to risk anything.

The academy was huge, making his search even worse. The Professor had expanded it over and over in the years since he had been there due to the influx of students. Some preferred to stay here, rent-free instead of going out into the wild world.

He was exhausted by the time he had climbed to the roof, his power draining him. Even if the roof had high gates to prevent any accidents, Carlen could easily climb over them. He'd done so before, since Dai hated it so much.

Dai collapsed at the entrance. He lifted his head, half-hoping to see Carlen. Time was starting to resume around him. Luckily, the only area resuming was only a few metres ahead of him.

Unluckily, Carlen was also in this area. He would be able to stop Dai from trying to save him, especially with his sensitive ears.

"Carlen, stop-!" Dai called out, stumbling closer to him. "Get away from the edge..."

"Don't come any closer-!" Carlen glared at him, pointing to the ground beneath him.

Dai held his nose, blood running down from it. "I only want to help you... I'm scared too, you know?"

"You aren't as messed up as me." Carlen turned to face him, "Look... I'm blue all over, and I look like a freak. At least you can wear sunglasses and cover your body. My wings and tail won't even allow me to do that..."

"But I don't want to do that." Dai tilted his head at him. "The Professor said I looked beautiful... so I want everyone to see that. It'll make them happy!"

Carlen bit his lip. "I'm not like you, Dai..." he said, "... I've been harassed over my appearance before. Even here."

"We can work through it together!" Dai shuffled closer to him. "Our friends can help you, too...!"

"You'll still stick with me, even after all of this...?" Carlen smiled at him. "Geez... you really do love me, you idiot..."

Dai giggled and rushed up to Carlen, stretching his arms out for a hug. "Won't you come and kiss your boyfriend? Even if your appearance has changed, he still finds you cute...!"

Carlen climbed back over the high gate, tackling Dai into a hug. He planted a kiss onto his lips, making Dai blush horribly.

Back on the ground, the crowd started to disperse. Clarence and Luella stopped holding their hands with worry, glad that the crisis had been avoided.

Felice turned to Clarence with a frown. "Um... Professor... you could've just taken control of Carlen and made him climb over the fence by himself... why didn't you do that?"

Clarence smiled, giving her a wink. "Well, Dai and Carlen wouldn't have had grown closer just now. And Carlen would still have those feelings, deep down..."

"Plus, he hates forcibly taking control of someone or poking around in their mind." Luella tugged his arm, "He barely pokes around in my head when I ask him to!"

"I-It's embarrassing sometimes-!" Clarence's face began to redden, "I tell you to imagine a closed door for things you don't want me to see, but you never do any of that-!"

"I don't want to keep any secrets from you, dummy." Luella grinned, "It would be pretty concerning if I had all of those... closed doors everywhere."

"Well, whatever..." Felice sighed, catching her breath. "... But you better think about it next time. Without Dai's powers, who knows what could've happened."

Superhuman: Dawn of PowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora