A Happy Family

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Ackley and Red crept along the dark hallways of the Ailbhe residence, searching for a clue that may help the gang. It was difficult due to the low light. Red wondered how anyone was able to see in this place.

"There's not even a hint of life around here..." Ackley said as he looked around, "... I don't even see any plants!"

"You can complain about the lack of plant life later, Ackley." Red sighed, "We need to focus on more important things... ooh, like that cute painting!"

Red rushed towards a painting at the end of the hallway. Ackley certainly wouldn't describe it as 'cute' more... creepy.

It was of the Ailbhe family. Seth and Hekate were smiling (just a bit) and looking directly at them. Morana, however, was looking slightly depressed. She was looking off to the side of the painting, yet Red seemed as engrossed as ever.

"She's so cute..." She giggled, "... Ackley, you agree, right? Not that you'll be going after her, of course."

Ackley gasped as Red's odd question. He didn't know how to react. "U-Um, I don't... I don't know...!"

"Good. Because I won't let you get anywhere near her!" Red grinned wildly at the panting. Ackley grew even more concerned.

"She looks kinda upset, though. If the Professor saw this, he'd be begging her to come to the academy with us." Ackley chuckled to himself.

"Yes! She could live with me in my room!" Red was practically overcome with giddiness. "We have to get him to make her an offer... he keeps inviting new people in all of the time, so-!"

"Shhh-! We can't be making too much noise!" Ackley grabbed Red and (painfully) pulled her away from the painting. He darted into a nearby room at the end of the hallway.

The two of them landed in a sparsely lit room, covered in various pictures and newspaper reports. They all covered the exact same newstory: one about Mindlapse, Diamond Gravity and their 'band of Superhumans'.

Red had heard of this before, but the Professor always tried to hide the information on it. According to Ms. Yvette, he always made sure to turn off the TV's if any information about Mindlapse was being covered.

"Someone... was killed...?" Ackley seemed confused. He pointed towards one newspaper article near his head.

The article screamed 'WINGED SUPERHUMAN FOUND DEAD!' Whilst another nearby yelled 'CIVILIANS KILLED IN MYSTERIOUS ATTACK'. Only the first one showed a picture - a young man that was indeed 'winged' like a bird.

"Why on earth would they collect articles on an old incident like this?" Red rolled her eyes, "You can barely read the articles anyway because of the low light..."

"There's a lot about this... Mindlapse character, too." Ackley said, "They're all very different, though. Some paint him as a terrorist, whilst others paint him as a saviour..."

"What, you think they look up to the guy or something?" Red smirked in amusement. "Why would they do that?"

"If what these reports say are true... people still fear him today..." Ackley trembled as he spoke, "... Oh, gosh, what if they want people to fear them? You know what happens when people do-! They'll rule the world and-"

"Calm down, Ackley. I... doubt they'll do any of that." Red tried to reassure him, "They probably just want to find... him..."

"Well, if they just wanted to find him, they could start by getting pictures that aren't in black-and-white." Ackley giggled, "I can't even tell what colour hair this... Mindlapse has."

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