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Schnee had gathered his friends into one of the lounge areas to watch TV. Everyone had hoped that he had invited them to watch a new movie, since they were too scared to go to the cinema in town themselves. Instead, he had them watching a political debate.

"Why do we have to watch this boring program, Schnee?" Red said as she rolled off of the sofa. "Nobody wants to see this!"

"I-I think it's interesting..." Whimpered Dai, who was quickly shut up my Red's glare.

"It's about the future of our country!" Schnee argued back. "Whomever gets voted in becomes our Prime Minister. They have the power to change our entire country."

"I know I wouldn't mind being Prime Minister." Felice smirked to herself. "But who's the guy in the lead, anyway?"

"We don't know exactly yet, but everyone's eyes are on a man called Harold Dixon." Schnee pointed to a man with light brown hair. "He's not with any of the main parties... he created his own. Usually other, smaller parties don't gain much traction, but..."

"... But for some reason, he's gathered a lot of votes." Ackley continued, "I'm more suspicious about the fact that voters can't point out a reason as to why they're voting for him."

"Oh, I heard about this!" Carlen said, grinning. "They say that they don't really know, that they just like his voice... that he sounds 'right' - whatever that means."

"Sounds like a Superhuman to me." Red rolled back over. "Maybe... he'll make things better for us..."

"Can you see why I'm getting you to watch now?" Schnee smiled at them. "Look, he's about to do his speech now."

Sure enough, Mr. Dixon stood up and faced the camera. "People of the United Kingdom. Today, the Ministry of Defence has an exciting announcement to make regarding the future of our country."

"Ooh, I hope it's free food!" Dai giggled to himself, missing the point.

"Our country has been left open for attack for far too long. We need a new, more modern system for defence. Which is why I propose the  Callister Network." He pointed to an image of a satellite behind him. "Fifteen satellites all around the globe, gathering information and speeding up your mobile networks... even in the most rural areas."

"Ugh, finally!" Felice threw her hands up in the air. "I can get more than two bars of signal! It's a miracle!"

"I'd like to thank everyone that has supported me so far. With luck, I'll soon be your new Prime Minister in a few short years." He continued, "But before tha-"

The screen cut off, showing a blank screen. Everyone looked around in confusion, wondering if they had just had a power cut.

Schnee looked at the back of the TV to check. "The power's still on..." He muttered, partially to himself.

"You all look awfully confused."

The group turned to see Clarence and Luella, both of which just happened to be passing by. They looked at the screen, just as confused as the rest of them.

Just as Schnee was about to switch the TV on and off again, a picture finally came into view. There was a collective gasp as two well-known figures came into view - Hekate and Seth Ailbhe.

"People of the world!" Yelled Hekate, "Your airwaves are under Ailbhe control. Soon, all of your people will be, too."

"So far our lovely hostages here are enough to show that we mean business." Seth gestured to a group of people behind them, all tied up. "Listen to our demands and nobody will get hurt."

Superhuman: Dawn of PowerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz