TV Patrol

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Luella pulled up to the TV station. They were in a ridiculous looking school bus that they often used when they went outside of the school grounds. Ackley, however, did decide to fill the place with plants beforehand. Red found it annoying that she had to share a seat with a plant.

"They've never been outside before." Ackley poked his head round the seat in front of her. "The sunlight will be good for them..."

"Yes, but we couldn't get in it at first!" Felice grumbled, "The plants had covered the entire thing! They'd overgrown!"

"Th-They're just very happy-!" Ackley desperately tried to defend his plants. "Besides, they all decided to sit with me instead!"

He wasn't lying; most of the plants had covered Ackley, akin to a cocoon. He seemed to be enjoying himself. Despite what they were now getting into.

Clarence turned to face the others, a nervous smile on his face. "Right... I'm afraid that Felice and I won't be able to help that much, since it appears they've worked out a way to block mental abilities."

"It doesn't mean we can't punch them to hell, though!" Carlen said gleefully, "There's more of us!"

"Clarence insists on joining you this time." Luella giggled, "Just in case something goes wrong..."

"We won't let it come to that!" Dai assured Clarence. "I don't want anyone to take you away..."

"Thank you, Dai." Clarence smiled at him. "Whilst we don't have your power yet, I'm sure you'll come in handy."

Carlen shifted around uncomfortably. "Y-Yeah... sorry about that, Professor..."

"It's alright, Carlen!" Luella squished his cheeks, earning an embarrassed blush from Carlen.

"Just remember to keep safe..." Clarence opened the door as each of them stepped off of the bus, one by one. "... I-It's dangerous-! It's not a game or anything!"

"You worry too much." Red rolled her eyes as she got off the bus. He was worrying more than usual.

They entered the building with increased caution. Bodies littered the hallways. They didn't want to stop to see if they were dead or not.

Schnee insisted on coming along, despite his need back at the academy. His powers would come in handy - he could manipulate ice, hence his constant cold temperature.

He volunteered to go in front, something that Felice thought would get him killed. He had a sort of protective nature around the others.

Soon enough, he stopped dead in his tracks. He seemed confused, yet cautious.

"What's up, Schnee?" Carlen panted behind him, out of breath.

"There's a... wolf..." Schnee muttered, pointing at the white wolf growling in front of them.

"It's just a stupid wolf. We can fight it... or whatever." Red approached the wolf without a care in the world, not even bothering to summon Pepperoni.

Just as she was about to stroke the wolf, a shadow swallowed it whole. The wolf and the shadow sunk into the ground, quickly surrounding the group.

Luella pulled Clarence closer to her, due to his incapability to fight. The rest of the group had the same idea, all surrounding Clarence in a protective circle.

"The shadows are cloning it!" Ackley warned everyone, pointing to the circle of black wolves now forming around them. "We don't know which is the original one... w-we'll have to fight it, won't we...?"

"This sounds like the work of Hekate and Seth." Red muttered angrily. "They're helping each other... just great!"

"Prepare for battle!" Luella yelled, "Protect Clarence... we can't afford to let them get their hands on him!"

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