Reverdan chuckled. "Ah yes. That's right. It absolutely makes sense with your affinity for plants."

    "I'm sorry to have interrupted you, Schoolmaster Reverdan," Kly said. "I'll be on my way now."

    "Oh no, you didn't interrupt anything. It seems you are quite busy. Is something amiss?"

    "No, nothing at all," Kly answered almost instinctively. The question had been a common greeting for people in Bijou, equivalent to "How's your day?"

    "Of course. If you can spare some time, why don't you watch the fish with me? I was just heading to the pond."

    Kly felt a shiver run through his body. He thought he'd break down crying. "No, thank you, Schoolmaster. I really should get going."

    "Oh, pity. Okay, then. Enjoy the rest of your day." Reverdan eyed Kly but seemed to harbour no suspicion. Still, Kly couldn't be sure. The old man was notoriously good at poker.

    "Good day," Kly said with a smile. He passed them and nearly doubled back when Silevan moved forward and brushed past his arm. Sharp pain exploded like nails were burying into his skin and forcing it open, bone and all. It was a wonder his arm was still intact instead of bursting apart like the agony implied.

    He couldn't help but grab his shoulder, the closest he could get to his forearm without bursting forth more bouts of needles.

    He just knew Silevan and Reverdan were watching him. He had to keep moving or they'd know.

    "Are you quite all right, Proctor Kly?" Reverdan inquired.

    "I'm fine," Kly replied, somehow keeping his voice under control. "Just surprised, is all. Good day." Gritting his teeth, he took one strained step after another until he finally drew closer to the administration building. He broke into a painful sprint, ignoring Reiton at the reception. With each pounding footstep, his arm throbbed like his own factory of shocking spasms of burning agony.

    He was forced to slow down, but the fact that he was nearing the infirmary gave him a little solace. When he finally reached the door to his destination, his whole body was engulfed in fire. He burst into the infirmary without another thought.

    "Blue! Get out here now!" he shouted, not caring that the doctor didn't appreciate loud noises in the ward. He grunted, gripping his shoulder so tightly that his hand began to cramp. It was almost a relief when he saw the green bear opening his tiny office door with a frown.

    "What is that racket?" the bear asked. If his eyes weren't glass, they would have widened. "Kly? Is that you? What's wrong?"

    "Just," Kly hissed. "Just give me some painkillers, now. The really strong ones. Black."

    "The black ones are dangerous," Blue warned. "They're still a prototype only used in liquid form when they are watered down for anaesthesia during surgery. You don't know what they'd do to you if you take them as they are now." He shook his head as if wondering why he was even explaining. "You know that!"

    "I don't care!" Kly breathed in deeply, doing his best to ignore the fire in his arm. "Just give them to me."

    "I'll see what I can find. But you need to tell me what's going on." The bear disappeared back into his office and came right back out with a flask filled with red spherical pills. Kly had taken a seat at the cot by then. "Here, these are the strongest ones I can give you at the moment."

    Kly didn't care. He just needed this excruciating pain to subside. He shakily took the flask and poured at least five into his mouth, swallowing them without a second thought.

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