The Great Hyrule War PT 1

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Entry Log: Yoxel




*In the Twilight realm, below the palace, Yoxel is shown to be face to face with his dragon.*

Yoxel: Grungeon, calm yourself and heed my command.

*The Grungeon shoots out a ring of fire that encircles the stage and cages Yoxel inside.*

Yoxel: You dare!?

*Yoxel draws his sword holding it to the sky. He swipes the air in front of him which extinguishes the flames and causes the dragon to stumble back.*

Yoxel: You forget who your king is, beast! No matter what form I take, I am your master and you will obey!

*The dragon's body ignites into flames as it stares Yoxel down. It opens it's back revealing the light of fire in the back of it's throat. It sends forth a ball of flames at Yoxel who dodges it with ease and follows up using spiked chains that wrap around the dragon's neck.*

Yoxel: I raised you from the time you left your egg and this is how you repay me? ...wait a minute.

*He notices a shard of stone lodged between the dragon's teeth. Before he could do anything, the dragon snaps at him. Yoxel dodges and pries open it's mouth and reaches for the stone.*

Yoxel: it...

*He pulls the stone wedged in between the dragon's teeth and backs away. The dragon blows fire out of it's mouth and looks at Yoxel.*

Yoxel: You still want to fight?

*The dragon returns to it's normal state and stands upright as if awaiting a command.*

Yoxel: That's more like it.

*Yoxel approaches the dragon a rubs it's belly causing it to roll over on it's back and swing it's tail merrily back and forth.*

Yoxel: You big softy! I've missed you, Grungeon! Listen to me, there is a big battle coming soon and I need you're help. Can I count on you, old friend?

*The dragon stands on it's hind legs and let's out a fierce roar while extending it's wings outward.*

Yoxel: Excellent! Go on and go stretch your wings.

*The dragon flies upward toward the ceiling and forms a opening that leads it outside of the palace where it begins to fly around. Yoxel returns upstairs and is met by an old friend.*

Arasiha: The king of twilight finally returns to take his throne after 100 years.

Yoxel: Arasiha!? You survived this long?

Arasiha: Of course I did! You think I was just going to drop dead or something? Has all that time in the world of light made you forget how long we live here?

Yoxel: Perhaps. The only reason I remained in the world of light for so long is because I wanted to still be alive should something unfortunate we're to happen.

Arasiha: We're all fine...well almost all. Alot of the old army has died so within our ranks, we only have 1000 soldiers.

Yoxel: What about-

Arasiha: It's also worth noting that since we haven't had a ruler on the throne in over 100 years, the kingdom has descended into a split of sorts. North, south, west, and east are all their own separate kingdoms now. The western kingdom is the only one who remains loyal to the royal family and have patiently awaited your return.

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