Preparing for the Calamity PT 2

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Entry log: Yoxel



*At the shrine of Courage, Tariel walks into the water causing it to illuminate.*

Tariel: Goddess Farore! It is I, Tariel, your son. I come requesting an audience with you.

*A silence is broken by the sporadic movements of the goddess statue. The statue disperse into pieces that become suspended in the air surrounding a green orb. The orb takes the form of a giant woman bathed in light. The luster fades revealing a woman with green hair, green nails, green eye lashes and shadow, and green eyes. A strong wind blows through each entrance of the area dressing her in a green dress that has a lightning crest on her chest.*

Farore: Speak, my child!

Tariel: The evil Calamity's power is growing to lengths unimaginable. Is it that princess Zelda's strength is fading?

Farore: Her strength is nearly non-existent at this point in time, it is time to attack before the land is given into the hands of the wicked.

Tariel: ...

Farore: My son, have you decided what side you will fight for?

Tariel: I'd never side with evil in any form or fashion...but I do not trust in the army being built to stand against the darkness.

Farore: I see. Should you choose to war on the opposing side, I will not hesitate to strike you down should the time come.

Tariel: I'm not afraid to fight you, mother...but it's something that I do wish to avoid. I refuse to let the enemy spread their power and damn this world.

Farore: Then tell me, Tariel, what will you do?

Tariel: ...I will stand by what I believe in! I believe that the Calamity must be stopped and that this army is our best chance at stopping it. I will stand by them if only to ensure that the army completes their task.

Farore: Hm.

Tariel: But let it be known, mother, should this army of Yoxel's lose it's way, I will not hesitate to slaughter them all and finish the job myself.

Farore: Your courage is admirable, but is also fueled by your pride which is something that is not needed on the battlefield. In any case, I will lend you my power so that you can use it against the forces of evil and place my chosen guardian to aide you in battle.

Tariel: Chosen guardian?

Farore: Yes, Froash, the dragon of lightning and storms. Call on him should you need his power.

Tariel: Understood.

Farore: Now then.

*She shrinks down just barely towering over Tariel. She takes her Lance and touches the water with it's blade sending a surge of lightning through Tariel's body clothing him in armor.*

Farore: This is what I call the Thundra garb. You are welcome to rename it if you like.

Tariel: No...I like it.

*Farore smiles and hugs Tariel.*

Farore: My sweet boy...I truly apologize for not being by your side as a mother should be, but it was to protect you as well so myself.

Tariel: I turned out the way you wanted me too...and that's ok with me. I like who I've become and wouldn't change for anyone.

Farore: Hm.

*She kisses his forehead.*

Farore: Go! I'll be with you as you fight for the future of Hyrule.

*She forms back into a ball and the suspended rocks come back together to and form the goddess statue.*

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