A bloody night in the desert!

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*The sun beats down on the Yoxel, Gibidan, and Zakara as the traverse through the desert with a gleeful Rodanian at there side.*

Zakara: The sun is unusually strong today. Well, onward we move.

Gibidan: Even with my Raider outfit on, it's still too hot.

Yoxel: Quite. Perhaps we should find some shade, we're already well on our way the grounds.

Rodanian: So, what's at these Arbiter grounds you keep going on about?

Yoxel: It's sacred ground in the world of light where the most wicked of criminals were placed and lived out the rest of their days.

Rodanian: Sounds pretty dangerous. You sure it's a good idea to go there?

Yoxel: In order to get prepared for the upcoming danger, I'd say it's pretty necessary. Besides, I have my trusty crew to help me.

Zakara: Well said, Yoxel.

Gibidan: Hey, are those Palm trees or am I seeing things?

Rodanian: No, those are definitely palm trees.

Yoxel: Where there are trees, there is shade. Come, let's go.

*They continue to walk toward the trees and find vendors and large waterhole.*

Zakara: Oh of course. This is the Kara Kara Bazaar.

Yoxel: The what?

Zakara: If I'm not mistake, Kachoo should be in here. You boys get in some fresh water time while I go play catch up.

Gibidan: Say no more.

*Gibidan switches clothes to just his bare shorts and jumps into the water.*

Gibidan: Come on in, the water's great!

*He dives back in*

Yoxel: After you.

Rodanian: You kiddin' I'd sink like a rock.

Zakara: Hm.

*She smiles and turns to into into the bazaar.*

Zakara: Kachoo!!

*A woman of large build walks from behind the corner folding a blanket.*

Kachoo: Who is out here being so loud!?

Zakara: It's been a while.

Kachoo: Oh, it's you, Zakara. I haven't seen you in quite a while.

Zakara: I've been busy searching for a strapping Voe to call a mate.

Kachoo: Oh and how's that going for you?

Zakara: I found one. Well...I think.

Kachoo: You didn't force him into accepting your proposal, did you?

Zakara: Um..no. it was a pretty mutual thing.

Kachoo: So, you're getting married?

Zakara: I'm honestly not sure.

Kachoo: What do you mean?

Zakara: Well, the way things started between me and him were sort of rocky at first. He said that if I help him on his quest, that by it's end, he will have his answer.

Kachoo: Hmm, have you prepared for him to say no?

Zakara: ....

Kachoo: It's a possibility that you're being used, Zakara, don't be a fool.

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