Preparing for the Calamity Pt 1

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Entry log: Yoxel
*Shooting Range.*

Teba: Focus! If you don't focus, you'll fall right into the water beneath. From the information we've gathered, the machines have a vital weak spot on their eye. We shoot it; we gain the advantage for an instant.

Nimbi: I'll show you how it's done.

*Nimbi gets into position to take to the skies. She instead jumps off the runway and falls downward.*

Teba: ...hopeless.

*A strong burst of wind fills the range and shows Nimbi soaring high into the sky. She descends preparing her bow to shoot 5 arrows and aims at 5 different targets. She hits them all simultaneously. Teba is reminded of Revali while watching her fly around until landing on the runway.*

Nimbi: If you can replicate that or something close to it, you're more than ready to tackle the oncoming threat.

*They all line up one by one to take on the challenge.*

Teba: You sure know how to motivate them.

Nimbi: I try my best.

*Gerudo town*

Zakara: A good shield bash all depends on your timing. If it's poor, you will be struck by the enemy. Time it correctly and you will gain the upper hand. This works especially well with enemies that use heavy weapons. Any questions so far?

Kaiea: Yes, what if your enemies are faster than you?

Zakara: Excellent question which leads me into my next lesson. Field awareness!

Riju: She's coming along out there, isn't she?

Buliara: For someone as mature as you to notice, I'd say so. I have faith in Zakara's ability to lead this army and know that her love for battle will give us a great edge.

Riju: I can't say why for certain...but she reminds me alot of Lady Urbosa...

Buliara: You think so too? Zakara was born with a gift of sorts that gives us communion with the dead. I would think that it's the reason we were able to see and hear her the last time she stood trial along with the Voe.

Riju: ...

Buliara: What's wrong?

Riju: She's there...

*The spirit of Urbosa is seen standing beside Zakara as she teaches the warriors in the art of combat. Urbosa looks over at Riju and smiles. Riju smiles back.*

Riju: Buliara, I have faith in the abilities of our warriors as well as all of our allies. We will win this battle no matter what.

*Zora Domain*

Sidon: That's it, men! The spear is extension of yourself!

*Sidon takes his spear and jumps into the water. He leaps out swinging his spear and gathering water around himself which he then shoots back into the water causing a whirl pool.*

Sidon: Oops, sorry about that. I just got so worked up because of how well everyone is doing!

*Mipha's spirit is shown standing behind him and laughing.*

Mipha: Sidon. My how you've grown from a frightened child into such a promising man.

*Sidon looks back in a confusion.*

Lunaria: What's wrong, young prince?

Sidon: Nothing...I could've sworn someone called my name. Perhaps it's just my imagination, but it sounded like Mipha.

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