Mrs. Quinton’s POV

It’s hard to admit. It’s been eating away at me. 

Rowan, my own daughter, wrote a note for her boyfriend and couldn’t bother to write one for her actual family. 

Even the note itself, she barely mentioned me, as if I hated her and me and her were not on good terms. I know she was doing what felt right, but it hurts. 

It hurts knowing your own daughter took her own life because she was depressed. It hurts knowing that your daughter is going through something and she doesn’t want to let you in. 

She knew I loved her. She knew I cared about her. Not a day passed that I didn’t tell her those things. 

We never fought like most kids with their parents do, we never hated each other. Although, I could never hate her.

She said she was going through a battle and she was losing. As her mom, I’m supposed to be the person that helps her fight—that helps her win. And I couldn’t even do that right.

I can't let the same thing happen with Jasper. I can't let her go too.

If letting her believe Ethan is real protects her from doing anything, then I have to take the chance. 

Jasper's POV

I've never acknowledged it. I know that its not healthy. I know its not normal, but it doesn't stop me from doing it.

I know he's not real. If I pretend like he is, then maybe everything will go back to normal. Maybe I won't be sad about it anymore.

I know I made him up to deal with Rowan. I know that other people know. I know that if I pretend like I don't they'll let me keep doing it. 

I know that I have to let him go eventually. I know that. Even though he's not real, he knows that too.

I made up a boy in my mind. A boy who cared when it felt like no one else did. A boy who knew my thoughts like nobody else. He was perfect, but made up. 

It's time I let him go. Time I say goodbye forever. I love him even though he's not flesh and bones.

I love him and nothing will change that.

You could say its not healthy, you could say it's not normal. But this is me. A broken girl who loves a made up boy in her mind.


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