Alex's POV

"Hey, Mrs. Quinton," I said. I had gotten Jasper to stay with Gray with my amazing convincing skills.

"Hey, Alex. What's been up with Jasper lately? You've probably noticed, but she isn't the same old Jasper we know and love," her mom responds.

"Well about a few months ago Jasper got a supposed boyfriend, and that's why she isn't the same," I tell her.

"He isn't taking advantage of my baby is he?"

"No, it's more like she is taking advantage of herself," I say.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

Jasper's POV

Alex left to go talk to mom and she somehow convinced me to stay with the Gray kid that is the newest addition to her friend list.

"So tell me, how did you meet Alex?" I ask.

"We actually met through the Diner. She's so funny, so I had to become friends with her. So over time I guess our friendship progressed," he tells me.

"Hm, sounds like the beginning of a wattpad story," I joke.

"That much it does," he mentions.

"If you're just using her," I pause.

"Oh don't worry. It sounds like that, but I'm actually with someone else. Well I was," he says a sorrowful look in his eyes.

"I won't ever get over her," he says looking down.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I know exactly how he feels. Like the world will never be the same. "This is going to sound kinda weird, but when you find someone who is "a replacement" life won't be the same. That gloomy gray color you see the world in will finally have color. I know you don't want a replacement-"

"Rowan," he says. My breath hitches.

"Her name was Rowan and I know she was your sister," he tells me.

"You dated Rowan?"

"I loved Rowan. She was my everything and I did nothing to help her," he says with tears forming in his eyes.

"It was not your fault," I just wanted to tell him the fault was mine. I knew he wouldn't listen, so I just vaguely said it wasn't his fault.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. I just nodded my head.

"It's not your fault." He slipped a paper into my hands. A confused look was obvious on my face.

"It's- it's a note Rowan wrote. It's kinda how I put together you were her sister. She uh- talks about you and your mom. I didn't know how to give it to you, until now," he says.

My eyes scan across the note. I could tell it was written with one of her favorite pens. It really was Rowan.

"Dear Gray,

I know how much you wanted to help me, but I can't take it anymore. I know you're one to blame yourself for things. Don't blame yourself. This is my fault and mine alone. You gave me the hope I needed, I guess I just got overwhelmed. When you find a way to talk to Jasper, tell her I love her. Tell her it's not her fault either. I'm so sorry. I don't know how to do these things, but Jasper, if you're reading this, I love you and I love mom. Don't ever think otherwise. It was just a battle that I was losing and I guess I was just losing for way too long. I love all of you.




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I love you, you matter, you are beautiful, you are strong. If you want to talk to anybody on here, don't be afraid to pm me.

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