"Morning," I whisper to myself. I look to my side to see Alex laying down peacefully. I look at the time on my phone.

10:25. There was no point in going to the spot. The sun had already rose.

I was at the spot, but you didn't show up. I understand you were probably sleeping. I know you've been through a lot lately, so call me whenever.

Hey, I was asleep. I've been trying to spend some time with Alex, so I'll see you after she leaves for work? Or later today?

"Hey," I sat as I shake Alex awake.

"What? What happened? What time is it?"

"It's like 10:25," I say showing her my phone.

"What!" She screams as she jolts upwards. "I was supposed to be at work 3 hours ago!" She yells as she gets out of bed.

"You know what? I just won't go," she says as she calms down.

"Okay, first of all you went through 70,000 emotions, you inconsistent," I say.

She laughs and says a meek sorry.

"Secondly, are you sure you're just not going to show up to work?" I ask.

"Yeah, I have better things to do. That place is literally a wart on my ass," she jokes. I shiver from the thought.


"Anyway, what do you want to do? My schedule has literally been cleared for the rest of the day," she asks me.

"I don't know, I'm cool with anything," I respond.

"Actually I want you to meet one of my newest friends. He's actually a lot like you,"

"It's a he, I see," I say as I wink at her. "That rhymed."

"Yes, it's a he. After that can we go to your house? I haven't seen your mom in so long," she claims.

"So your best friends with my mom now? Cool," I joke.

"I'll be honest with you," she sighs.

She looks me in the eyes as if she's been holding something from me.

"I've always been best friends with your mom and she just didn't want you to know," she jokes.

She starts and I start laughing along with her.

"Why do you have to be so dumb?" I ask as I finally get out of bed.

"It's one of my many qualities, you should really appreciate it," she jokes.

"Really?" I asks as I go to her bathroom to brush my teeth. After I'm finished I look down at my clothes that I had been wearing since yesterday. "Can I borrow something to wear?"

"Yeah, pick whatever you want from my closet," she tells me. I go into the closet and put on the first things I see which happen to be black leggings and a sweatshirt.

"Of course that's what you chose," she groans.

"Hey, you said pick whatever you want from my closest. I just happened to pick this," I say.

"C'mon," she says completely done. We leave the house and start walking.

"He's meeting as at the benches at the park," she says. I nod as response and we walk in silence.

"Tell me more about Ethan. I mean we've talked about him, but like actually what's he like?" she asks breaking the silence.

"Oh, um. Well he uh started helping me when I felt really bad with Rowan. He actually cares. He's not like anyone I've ever met. Especially not you, your so mean to me," I say.

She chuckles and I laugh a little.

"I don't know what you're referring to I'm such a nice person," she claims with 'hurt' expression across her face.

"Yeah right," I say laughing.

For once I felt like someone actually cares about me enough to ask about Ethan.

11 more chapters to go. Going to try to uploading twice a day from now on, but we all know that's not going to happen. But I'll try.

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