Chapter 5

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Once we finished swimming, we had lunch together, sat on the lawn on a picnic blanket. The champagne bubbled in my mouth, as we sat admiring the view.

"Beautiful isn't it." He remarked, sighing.

"It really is." I replied, looking into his eyes."Champagne in the middle of the day, this is a contrast from what I usually get.". He laughed at my comments, and moved his hand to put it on mine.

"Look, Mr president, I really like you, but I can't ignore what happened earlier."

"I know, look, I like you too- you just have to let what happens happen." He said, kissing me, and I can't deny that I kissed him back. My feelings for him were strong, but it would be hard to have an effective relationship with him out of the limelight.

"What are you thinking of?" he asked, looking at me.

"You." I answered, looking back into his eyes. He nodded. And then hugged me, placing me on the ground, kissing me as he did so.

"Are you okay?" he asked me. I nodded as a reply. He kissed me once again...

~5 days later~

All Mr Kennedy and I had done over the past few days was talk on the phone, swim, take walks. It had been perfect, however Mrs Kennedy was coming home tomorrow, so we couldn't see each other as much. It was a crushing blow to know that. We had planned to spend one 'last' day together, before she got back. I decided to walk to the White House today, to take in the view. Mr Kennedy couldn't visit me alone or it would arouse suspicion, however I could easily visit him with no problems.

I knocked on the door once again, and as always, Mr Kennedy himself answered the door. Smiling at me as he did so.

"Go through to the dining room ." he told me "there's food on the table, I'll be there in a minute, I have to change."

As always, I lead myself to where we'd be going, with Jack following a minute behind me. I once again saw a bottle of champagne on an intimately set dining table, with a range of foods set for us to eat.

"Sorry about that." he apologised while running to the table. As he quickly grabbed the bottle of champagne, and poured it into glasses.

"Okay" he began, raising his glass "I've really enjoyed this past week, and I've honestly never met anyone like you before, and I don't want to stop seeing you."

"You don't have to, I can still visit, we'll just have to be a little more careful."

"You're right." he nodded, putting his glass down, and walking over to kiss me. He wrapped his arms around me, and pressed his lips against mine.

It all happened so fast. The door opened. Voices. A shout. We rose from our kiss.

"JACK!" someone shouted. It was jackie. We'd been caught....

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