Chapter 14

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"What? Us?" He exclaimed, already denying the allegations.

"Yes, someone's said that they saw you leaving her house sometime this week."

"No, that's not what it looked like. I was helping her pack, even ask her mother."

I nodded, I couldn't afford this, he couldn't afford this. His election as the next president would be out of the window.

" Yeah he was, that's all." I blurted out, both of them turning around to face me. "You see!" he was frustrated now, I could see it in his eyes, this couldn't be put on Jackie again, not after she'd caught us kissing. "Look, no offence to you Mr President, but he's twice my age. I've been brought up to marry a man who's of a similar age to me, so trust me when I say this, I wouldn't dream of it. Plus he's married, I wouldn't do that to Jackie." I was solemn when I said it, and I didn't know when I became such a good liar. Mr Kennedy looked at me, urging me to say more, to cover us up. "And he'd never do that to Jackie, if you'd see the way he looks at her, you'd know the rumours are false." I assured him, as he nodded, and left the room.

Continuing to unpack, I took out the dress that I wore the night that I met Jack. A smile spread across my face, this is what started it all. This dress started one of the best times in my life, I hung it with care, in it's plastic covering.

As I finally managed to get it into the end of my wardrobe, I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shouted, expecting it to be Jack. I turned as the door opened, to see his wife, and son. "Hi, Mrs Kennedy." I smiled, shaking her hand. "Is your room okay?" she asked, almost sounding happy that I was here. "Okay? Thats an understatement." I laughed, because it was true, compared to what I was used to. "Anyway, as you'll be living here I thought you should meet the kids." John Jr ran over to me, and hugged my legs, as I bent down to get to his level. "Hi little fella, I'm Marianne, your daddy's personal assistant." I smiled as he put his hand out to shake my hand, I giggled, as I put my hand in his. "Hello miss Marianne." He greeted me, in his adorable little voice. "It's nice to meet you John." I smiled, as he hugged me. "Come on John John, it's bed time now." Jackie picked him up to take him to his room. "We're having supper in ten minutes if you're hungry." She smiled as she left the room.

Making my way to the kitchen, I anticipated my first meal in the White House. I brought a bottle of champagne as a thank you gift for letting me stay, I knew it wasn't much to them, but it was something. Before I sat down with John and Jackie, I handed them the champagne, which they thanked me for, and poured into glasses. Then to my surprise, they hugged me, as we sat and began talking. After half an hour or so, we grew silent, and waited for someone to start a conversation.

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Jackie finally said, and realising the question was for me, I turned to face the First Lady.

"What's tomorrow?" I blurted out, forgetting the date completely.

"Halloween,silly." She laughed "have you got a costume? We're having a small get together with the kids and all that- it would be nonsense not to invite you."

"I guess I could go shopping?" I suggested.

"I'll go with you!" She remarked. "She can have a few hours off can't she?". Jack nodded, and mumbled a little. I could see this being an awkward situation waiting to happen...

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