Chapter 11

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"Quarantine?" I asked, concerned.

"Yes, a blockade simply put,but I can't say it like that because it suggests war." The president replied, clearly stressed.

"Oh my god." I replied "Is there anything I can do to help Mr President?"

"Stay with me. Until the end." He nodded to himself, so I went into the corner, and sat down. I just watched him for a while, as he drew and made notes, it was fascinating really. He had to make a speech on national tv in a few days, and seemed to be preparing irrationally for it. As I got up to get him coffee, he watched me as if to check that I wasn't going anywhere else. When I returned, he cleared his throat.

"I have to tell the country that we're in danger of nuclear war." He said. The life in his voice had gone almost fully gone in the space of a day. The air of confidence that he usually exuded had blown away. I wanted the old president back, and quickly. I swallowed a lump in my throat, and wrapped my arms around him, kissing his cheek. In a reaction he placed his hand on my arm, and his head on my shoulder, almost like I was cradling a baby. However I'd never met anyone further from the definition of a baby.

"You know Mr president, if you're going to give this speech, and if you don't mind me saying, you need to get back to your normal self." I told him.

"What do you mean?" He asked me, suddenly more alert.

"Well, you've been a little down today, that's all. You don't want to cause a great panic do you? You need to inform the nation but not scare them."

"Yes, I suppose that's true. Now cheer me up." He said, pulling me into a kiss...

~22nd of October, 1962~

Jack was almost ready to give his speech, he was shaking himself off as if he was going to run a marathon. Jackie was with him, straightening his collar and wishing him good luck.

"Marianne!" he yelled. As my usual response, I ran to him, and asked him what he wanted.

"Can you get me my cologne, I don't feel comfortable without it." he smiled, nervously.

"Yes Mr President." I replied diligently, running to his office to find it. The place was a mess, papers and pens and envelopes covered his desk. I sifted through his draws finally to find a bottle of Eight and Bob and some 4711. So, I ran back and presented the two bottles to Mr Kennedy.

"Which one?" I panted.

"Which do you prefer?" He asked, smiling. I sprayed some 4711 on him, just before someone shouted for him to go out.

"Good luck darling." Jackie told him.

"Good luck Mr President." I shouted afterwards.

"Its my favourite too, the 4711." she smiled.

"It's not as strong"

"Exactly." I could tell we had the potential to be great friends, I just didn't have the moral ability. We talked for a while, but then fell silent, just listening to john talk. His words were a work of art, and even though I could see that he was trying to tell people in the least worrying way he could, his words still seared through me...

Good Evening, Mr PresidentМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя