Chapter 16

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I gasped, taken aback. I had no idea what to do. "Its his Addisons." Jackie told me, going to his aid. "Run him a bath!". I immediately did as I was told, running to the bathroom, and drawing a bath to around 90 degrees. Although I was close with the Kennedy's, I could not forget my place. I heard some clattering, as Jackie lead Mr Kennedy into the bathroom. "Is there anything else I can do Mr President?" I asked, flustered.

"Have you taken your pills today Jack?" Jackie asked him.

"Yes, no, not all of them." he replied, shaking his head. Mrs Kennedy went through a list of the various drugs that he had to take- with him either nodding or shaking his head each time. Finally, she gave me a list of medicines that I needed to get. I rushed downstairs, past Caroline and John, and to the cupboard in the kitchen.

When I'd found everything he needed, I brought them upstairs, trying to find Jackie. "Jackie?" I shouted, she was nowhere. "Marianne?" I heard a shout from the bathroom. "Yes?" I shouted back.

"Have you got them damn pills yet?" he sounded aggravated. "Yes Mr President." I replied, treading carefully. "Great. Can you bring them in please? I'm not in the bath yet.". I opened the door, to find him fully dressed, and sat on the side of the bath. I handed him the pills, and he took them one by one. "I don't want to get in this goddamn bath." He complained, splashing the water. "Then don't." I suggested, sitting next to him. "Why wouldn't I? it helps the pain." he sighed. Putting his head on my shoulder. "Whats really wrong Mr President?" I asked, looking into his eyes, as he grasped his stomach in pain. He sighed, and began to speak "Well the stress of this missile crisis isn't helping anything. But the main problem is that Jackie and I, we want another child, but it's just not happening, she's getting upset about it and I don't know what to do." And with that, he broke down in tears...

Once he'd got into the bath, I went to get myself ready for Halloween, I needed to impress the kids. I put on the dress that is brought, with the horns and I curled my hair. Putting some candy into a bowl, I walked downstairs, to find his kids in masks, chasing each other around the entrance hall. "Woah, steady guys!" I laughed as I handed them candy. I heard a knock on the door, and rushed to answer. I recognised the faces, but couldn't quite put a finger on who they were.

"Hi, it's Robert. The presidents brother."he smiled, trying to control his children. "Where's Jack?"

"Hi, yes of course. He's taking a bath, he's been in pain with his addisons." I replied, shaking his hand. "And you are-the new mrs I suppose?" he joked, as he pulled a child inside. "I'm a friend of Mr and Mrs Kennedy- And the presidents personal assistant." I smiled, letting him in. "Where's your wife Mr Kennedy?" I asked, trying not to seem rude, as I was genuinely curious. "She stayed home- she has a stomach bug, nothing serious." he smiled, in the same way that Jack did "By the way, these are my kids, uh, Bobby Jr, Kerry, Michael, David, Joe, Kathleen and Courteney." He said, pointing at each of them individually, and trying to keep them controlled. "Well you have a lot of beautiful children." I laughed, offering him a drink. He took the glass from me, as we watched the kids play.

"Bobby you ass where've you been in the last year." I heard jack shout, as he walked into the room, slapping his brother on the back- looking happier than he was earlier.

"I don't know, why haven't you invited me anywhere in the past year." he joked back. Mr Kennedy turned to me, and asked to talk to me in private- so I followed him into the next room.

"Look, I love you so much okay?" he said, looking directly into my eyes.

"I love you too, what's wrong?" I asked, worried.

"I- I, don't know how to say this, I can't see you anymore."...

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