Chapter 34

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The time had finally come, the trip we'd waited so long for. Jack and Jackie walked up the stairs to Air Force One, I smiled at him, as he turned around.
"Is there anything I don't know yet?"He said, halfway into the plane.
"Yeah, The route's been revised, leave that to the driver, I'm wearing blue and white now, not pink, and there isn't going to be a bulletproof roof on the car because of heat." I told him, he nodded.
"See you in Dallas." They both smiled, and then shut the door behind them. I walked away, as it was almost time for me to fly to Texas, I bolted through the airport, to finally reach my plane, I wasn't flying privately, I didn't see a need to. When I ran through the terminal, I got stopped countless times, with people asking about the president, obviously recognising me. Finally, I reached my flight, and just in time, the attendant let me on, and I braced myself for the tedious three hours that lay ahead of me.

When I arrived at Love Field, Vice President Johnson met me, and welcomed me warmly to Texas. I had arranged to stay in the Wawrick Melrose Hotel, just three miles away from the airport. And in perfect reach of everywhere I wanted to be. I had errands to run that afternoon, to prepare for tomorrow. I reached my room in the hotel, and was in awe at the standard of the accommodation.

Once I'd unpacked, I took a cab to the nearest post office, to pick up some mail for Jack. When I walked in, the woman at the desk smiled at me and said "Marianne Waters, right?"
"Yeah, I'm here to pick up some mail for A Mr John F Kennedy." I requested, I heard the door swing open, and I turned my head to see a man stood beside me, so I smiled at him, but he returned with a cold glare.
"I'm here to pick up a parcel." He said to the other woman behind the counter.
"What's the name,Sir?" she asked, a lot more politely than he did.
"Lee Oswald." He replied, as she scurried to find it. I awkwardly looked at the ground as he stood at the counter, he was one of those people where I couldn't tell what to make of them. The woman serving me returned, and handed me a wad of letters.
"So what's it like working for the president?" she asked, just as I was about to leave.
"What's it like working here? it's just office work really. Thanks for the mail, bye!" I said, finally making my escape.

That night, I ate dinner with Mr Johnson and his wife- who Jack had blatantly shown his dislike for. However, they seemed nice,to me. The meal was exquisite, caviar hors d'ouvres, chicken teriyaki, and a cheesecake for dessert. I couldn't thank Lyndon enough when he dropped me off at the hotel, I shook his and his wife's hands and arranged a time to be picked up for the motorcade. After everything, when my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light...

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