Chapter 10

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October 19th, 1962

It was my first day at the White House, and after the president had told me the state of things, I was thinking this wasn't the best day to be starting. When I pulled into the drive, I saw Jack stood on the driveway, looking panicked.

"Mr president?" I shouted from my car.

"Yes, look I have to to to Illinois, I forgot I had a campaign thing there and I can't get out of it, I don't know when I'll be back but I'll be sure to call- consider it a payed leave." he smiled, as he hugged me, and got into a limousine. So with that, I followed the limo out of the drive, and made my way home.

~October 20th, 1962~


I woke up to the incessant metallic ringing of the phone. It couldn't be Mr Kennedy yet, it was too early on, however I still woke up to answer it.

"Hello, Marianne, I'm coming back to Washington." He said.

"What why?" I was concerned, I didn't know why he'd leave so early.

"I have a cold, I'll be back in about three hours so can you be at the house for then?"

"Yes, yes I can. I'll see you then." I replied, putting the phone down, and going to get dressed. I hadn't told my mom about the fact that I'd be moving yet, but I thought now might be a good time. I pulled on a skirt suit, and tied my hair back, finally managing to go downstairs.

"Mom, there's something I need to talk to you about." I said, when I saw her reading the morning news.

"Yes darling, what is it?"

"I've been offered a post as the presidents personal assistant, which I took. But that means, I'll have to move out, and move into the White House."

"What?" she gasped "Well I can't say I'm happy that you're moving, but I'm so proud that you got that job!" And then hugged me. It wasn't the reaction I'd expected, but at least everything was going to plan.

Later that day, I made my usual way to the White House, and knocked on the door like usual. However this time it wasn't Jack that answered the door, it was a worker, or someone like that. He was obviously expecting me as he lead me in and told me where Mr Kennedy was. I knocked on his office door, and he shouted me to come in.

"Thank god you're here." He sighed.

"What's wrong, Mr president?" I asked, I was worried about him now.

"I've decided to quarantine the soviet ships."...

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