Chapter 3

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~The morning after~

"Ugh" I groaned, as I looked at the clock- 8.30, I didn't have work today, but I had church in an hour and a half. I really didn't want to go, but I had to, for my mother. Dragging myself out of bed, I put on a bathrobe, and found my mother downstairs, making waffles.

"Morning mom." I yawned, as she served my breakfast.

"You're 23 you should be making your own breakfast, did you have a good time last night by the way? You fell asleep almost straight away."

"Yeah, good."

"Any likely husbands there?"

I groaned, all she wanted was for me to marry, and it was almost all she talked to me about.

"No, but I did get a private invitation to spend time with the Kennedy's." I smirked, that shut her up. Her face dropped in disbelief, as I smiled at the idea of Mr Kennedy. I was so attracted to him, however I felt natural when I was with him. It was a combination that I'd never experienced before however the pain was indescribable.

"Is that where you were all last night?" she sat down, now interested.

"Yes, if you must know, I spent the night talking to the president and he gave me a tour of the house." I smiled as I got up to dress, the look on my moms face was priceless...


I hadn't called Mr Kennedy yet, however I planned to. I didn't want to seem too needy, though I wanted to speak to him again. Sheepishly, I dialled his number, and waited through the ringing.




"Hello?" I heard a woman speak- Jackie.

"Hello, I'm calling for Mr Kennedy." I replied

"Who is this?" she asked, sounding concerned.

"Marianne Waters, he told me I could visit- I was at the party on Saturday."

"Oh yes, he was talking about you- I'll put him on." Silence. And finally, after what seemed like hours of waiting awkwardly on the phone line, a familiar voice came on.

"Hello, Mr John F Kennedy speaking, who is this?" His voice once again melted me.

"Hello Mr President. It's Marianne Waters."

"Oh I was expecting your call, however I thought it would be sooner than this." He chuckled.

"Well I've had a lot to do- what is your situation this weekend?"

"I'm free, come over say, Saturday at noon- we can have lunch." I had to suppress a scream and stay calm while I replied to him."Yeah, sounds great, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Remember a bathing suit, we're swimming." And he hung up. I couldn't believe it, I was going swimming with the president...

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